Colleges that offer a solid Computer Science AND Film program?


<p>I'm meeting with my college counselor pretty soon and want to have a few ideas of some good colleges heading into the meeting. I know that I definitely want to have a major in Computer Science and either another major or a minor in some film studies. Most likely cinematography. Knowing this, I think California would be a great place to look for schools. My PSAT score was about 175. I'm assuming I'll end up with around an 1850 or so for my SAT. Not sure about ACT yet. My unweighted GPA is about 3.67.</p>

<p>I've looked at USC, UC Los Aangeles, but UC Santa Cruz seems to have a better CS and film program, but I'm not entirely certain.</p>

<p>Any college suggestions considering my major plans?</p>


<p>[url=&lt;a href=“Welcome to ASSIST”&gt;Welcome to ASSIST]Majors[/url</a>] can help you find your majors at the California public universities.</p>

<p>Hey, I also plan to major in CS and major or minor in Film studies. This suggestion isn’t in California and not as prestigious as the colleges you mentioned but it has a good cs program, situated near DC ( which means a lot of job and internship opportunities), and its improving at a fast pace (rated 1# for up and coming schools on U.S. News ranking). The college is George Mason University and I plan on going their next fall. Hope you find the college you’re looking for:)</p>