Colleges that offer no aid to international?


<p>My question is simple. What are some colleges that give no aid to internationals or VERY little aid. I heard NYU is one. Are there any others?</p>

<p>Boston college, carnegie mellon i think, washington university (very little), thats all i think about from the top 20.
Prolly more as u go down below.</p>

<p>There’s probably an INFINITE number of colleges with low/no aid to internationals…
Not technically, but you get what I mean.
This is off wikipedia, so probably not that reliable, but it beats searching through EVERY university website to check their aid policies:
These colleges/universities ARE need blind AND full need for all applicants, including international applicants. Pretty much all the really rich schools:
Dartmouth College, Harvard University, MIT, Princeton University, Williams College, Middlebury College, Yale University, and Amherst College.
Hope I helped, and good luck.</p>

<p>Middlebury dropped its needblind program. :(</p>

<p>Probably most public universities.</p>

<p>Stanford, the UCs… just about any university that Sora hasn’t listed there.</p>

<p>Stanford DOES offer financial aid. I know an international who is going to Stanford this fall with a full ride.</p>

<p>Yeah, I think it depends really what the OP is looking for… there’s quite a few places that say they have “limited aid” for internationals, that’s the kind that Stanford has. But those are the kind of places that to get into with aid you’re going to need to be preeeetty amazing.</p>

<p>Well I am looking for places that only accept international students who can pay full or nearly full tuition. Then I have to decide whether I avoid or apply to those places. Middlebury is not need blind anymore. Which places want internationals but not the kind that need aid… only the kind that can pay. Thanks</p>

<p>Boston University</p>

<p>Berkeley and Emory are a few more extremely selective colleges with no (need-based) financial aid for international students. A few more ultra-selective colleges with very limited financial aid: Duke, Chicago, Caltech, Northwestern. Not applying for financial aid will give you an advantage over financial aid applicants at all of these institutions, but it is by no means a guarantee for admission.</p>

<p>WashU is pretty generous in giving financial aid to international students. This is because I know some Chinese and also European students who got into the school on full ride (not merit based). But again, I think it really depends on where you are from. If you’re from an overrepresented country, then I think your chance of getting financial aid is pretty slim.</p>

<p>places with limited aid: stanford, duke, chicago, UC, UVA, michigan, cmu, northwestern etc.</p>

<p>case western reserve (no aid)</p>

<p>UW Madison, UT Austin, UC Denver, U Pittsburgh, UM Ann Arbor</p>