Colleges with Design Programs?

<p>I want to go to a college where it's not just a deisgn school (I'm interested in fashion design) and has a good overall education as well. The only ones I can think of are NC State Design School and Cornell University. Does anyone know of any colleges that have design (fashion/apparel/fiber) programs?</p>

<p>cornell does not have a design program , from what i know.
they only have a fine/visual art department</p>

<p>Washington University (st louis)</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“]Undergraduate[/url”>]Undergraduate[/url</a>]
Cornell does have apparel design/fiber deisgn lol.</p>

<p>lol ok but i was more of referring to other types of design as well</p>

<p>oh well i mean sure they don’t but specifically I’m interested in apparel/fiber design…thats the reason I put up this post to find out other colleges with apparel/fiber design…</p>