I’m a senior and I joined speech and debate for the first time this year (although I’ve had experience in other activism/politics/speaking EC’s) so I’m in no way a super qualified and stand-out speechie. I do absolutely love forensics though (my main event is OO) and was hoping to continue in college. I’ve done some research but hearing from actual people is always better so does anyone have recommendations for colleges with speech and debate programs that include individual events such as Original Oratory? Pretty niche but thanks in advance!
I’m looking for 50-80% acceptance rates, I already have my reaches picked out and I wouldn’t want to choose colleges simply for their forensics teams and then not actually make the team.
Any public schools in Florida and private anywhere else. Preferably near or in an urban center but not necessary, political science major, and size doesn’t matter I’m fine with a small liberal arts school or huge research university. Cost also isn’t a big factor because for out of state private schools I qualify for a tonnn of need based aid and work study and in state public schools I qualify for state supplied free ride scholarships.
I know you’ve said you have enough reach schools, but if it turns out to be a reasonable match or reach you should be aware that Bate’s highly successful debate society is open to all students regardless of experience. The team does not cut debaters.