<p>Does Pomona have a rowing team? I've been rowing since I was thirteen and it would really suck to not be able to participate in college and I haven't been able to find anything on the subject.</p>
<p>Check this link to the rowing club. Don’t know if it still exsists since everything is old on the site. [CCRC</a> home page](<a href=“http://island.pomona.edu/organizations/rowingclub/]CCRC”>http://island.pomona.edu/organizations/rowingclub/)
Also might want to check out the Claremont club sports page.
[Club</a> Sports at The Claremont Colleges](<a href=“Home - The Claremont Colleges Services”>Home - The Claremont Colleges Services)
My son plays Claremont club lacrosse and enjoys it a lot.</p>
<p>Pomona itself does not have rowing team. And I don’t think we have a 5C team either. Or if we do, I’ve never heard of it at all, in school newspapers, online daily mail, nada.</p>
<p>We had a 5C team last year (they were the one’s who sold those t-shirts making fun of each college). Too many of them graduated, so it will have to get started back up again when people show enough interest.</p>