COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

I even did the low-roughage diet beforehand, so the sub-par cleanout was a surprise. Maybe in 3 years they will have made further advances in prep.

Just had first routine one today and used sutab! As I was getting close to being 3 hours to my appointment I was getting nervous it wasnā€™t working- my doc office sent home instructions and one was to buy an enema (yuck at even the word- lol) Incase 3 hours before appointment your not ā€œreadyā€ you have additional option to move things along. I was fortunate and all was good- 1 no problem polyp. Will know in a couple weeks weather they recommend 3,5 or 10 years. I was a wreck about all of this- but it all was really not bad at all. The anxiety was the worst!


Why a couple of weeks? Is that how long it will take to get biopsy results?

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They said a week or two to get biopsy results/letter. The doc said she could tell it wasnā€™t cancerous visually so they still biopsy anyway thought! I will update here when I have the timeline the want me to schedule for next time!

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Wow. I had a similar result with sutab. It didnā€™t work like it was supposed to. I freaked out long before 3 hours pre-appointment though. Started the enema maybe 5 hours after the first treatment? The worst part of it for me was the stress that it wouldnā€™t work well enough and they couldnā€™t do it.

I think Iā€™ll definitely go with the liquid the next time unless things have improved in 5-7 years.

Wow. Glad weā€™re all sharing here- so good to have this knowledge!


Oh yes- that was absolutely the part of the anxiety/stress. It would have been awful if after all they they couldnā€™t do it!!!

So just following up from my previous post! Got letter from doc in the mail explaining they removed a benign polyp. If they had not removed it, it was the type of polyp that within 5-10 years it could become cancerous. So they recommend a follow up colonoscopy in 5 years. (My guess is Incase they didnā€™t get all the margin of the polyp they will be back in to make sure no regrowth in enough time that it would not become cancerous?) I hope this post helps people who are scared to get colonoscopy. I debated doing the Cologuard because I was so afraid of a colonoscopy. Iā€™m so glad now that I got the colonoscopy! Donā€™t put it off! Get it done! :slight_smile:


Same as my story. I think they got all the polyp but think you are prone to develop more in the future. Thatā€™s what they told me.


Ah that makes sense- thanks for letting me know that!!

What @MaineLonghorn said. It is because you are believed to have a higher chance of developing another one of these kinds of polyps, so the docs want to stay ahead of the curve. If they see nothing in 5 years, you will be back on the 10 year schedule.

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For me, they found polyps in my first colonoscopy; then again, three years later, in my second. So Iā€™ve been on the five-year plan ever since, even though nothing else has shown up. I think Iā€™ve now have four or five of them. Iā€™m due again this August.


Ugh, after putting it off during COVID I am having my second colonoscopy this afternoon. They gave me the GoLytely 4 liter jug of prep on a split prep schedule. I do not think I can get all of the second half down, but I think I got pretty cleaned out last night (everything was clear if thatā€™s not TMI). I will do what I can on the second half of the prep, but I really donā€™t think thereā€™s anything left. I was really good on the diet and did the liquid diet yesterday before starting the prep in the evening. Next time I need to do this Iā€™m going to have to find a different prep. I had the GoLytley the first time I did it too, but I think my gag reflex is worse now.


I just did the pills (Sutab) last week. Split dose. It was a breeze for me. I started low fiber one week before, soft diet three days before and clear liquids day of prep. I really loaded on the liquids day of prep. LOTS of water with the pills but so much better than the go-lytely.
My Dr did give me zofran to take 30 minutes prior to each dose. No issues at all!!
Will 100 choose that method again in 5 years.


Thanks for posting your prep. I hadnā€™t thought about requesting Zofran but it would help me a lot. I like the Sutab idea, too. All of the liquid preps Iā€™ve used have made me feel nauseated.

I recently went the Sutab route and it was easy for me as well. I did not change my diet. I simply followed the 36-hour directions the doctor gave me and everything went very well. When I got home from the appointment I had a big meal and then took my dog for a nice long walk. It was like it never happened.

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Well, D1 had her colonoscopy due to her younger sister having precancerous polyps.

They found 4 precancerous polyps (2 different kinds) in this 32 y/o young woman. D2 is 29. Iā€™m really disappointed both girls have apparently inherited their fatherā€™s predisposition towards getting colon cancer, but am immensely grateful such a procedure exists. If D2 had not had an early colonoscopy for other reasons, it may have been too late when she finally had her recommended colonoscopy at 37 years old.


I am VERY glad they caught this. I wish you and your daughters all the best.


Yeah, I ended up throwing up this morning. I drank 3.25 liters of the 4 liters (2 last night and 1.25 this morning) and then that last glass and probably some more came back up. I did a good job with the diet though and I think that and the 75% of the prep I was able to do was enough. I told the doc that I wasnā€™t able to finish it and when it was all over he said I was cleaned out fine. Got a pretty clean bill of health too and dont have to go back for 7-10 years.

@Nrdsb4 so glad your daughters got checked. My mantra during the prep was ā€œitā€™s better than colon cancerā€!


I had mine today. Only one polyp and one lipoma, which is a better outcome than the last two. However, I woke up very hoarse with an extremely sore throat. It was colonoscopy only under light anesthesia. I had one of those oxygen tubes on my nose. The nurse did mention I coughed a lot during the procedure and coughed up phlegm and maybe some vomit. Has anyone had or heard of this as far as hoarseness and sore throat?