COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>Yikes, I would not want to have both at once. I’ve had them separately. </p>

<p>I guess if I had them both at once, I’d want them to do the upper first if it was the same doctor!</p>

<p>The prep isn’t exactly the same either, and plus you’d have to either be under and brought back up, or kept under for longer (for goodness’ sake, they must wash their hands in between!).</p>

<p>^^ I did not see different prep material DW brought home from mine. And I don’t think the same tube is used for upper and lower…</p>

<p>I sure hope not! But of course, one must realize that the GI doctor is likely doing both ends all day, just different people (grossing one out further).</p>

<p>Hahahaha! </p>

<p>My mom had to have both done this summer due to unexplained anemia (still unexplained). She had the colonoscopy and then, about a week later, the endoscopy. I took her to both and she was much, much groggier after the endoscopy so I think they use a different sedative.</p>

<p>After one of my colonoscopies, I was in the recovery area sleeping and the nurse came in and told me that I could get dressed and go home. I got up, all groggy and had an odd sensation. I looked behind me and there was a long rubber hose protruding from my delicate derriere. When I turned around it was like I was wagging it like a tail. Being all drugged up, I thought it was a good idea to remove it so I went ahead and did that myself. Left it on the bed as a present for the rather neglectful nurse. Merry Christmas.</p>

<p>We do “doubles” all the time (upper endoscopy and colonoscopy). The prep is no different, the endoscopy only adds 10-15 minutes to the procedure and DIFFERENT scopes are used!!!</p>

<p>^^^^Also there is no need to interrupt anesthesia between the 2 procedures.</p>

<p>Because I have FAP (familial adenomatous polyposis), I get both an Endoscopy and a short scope at the rear as I don’t have a colon but a j-pouch. The prep is the same and doesn’t take much longer. Then two weeks later, I do a slight prep - liquids the day prior and go in to swallow the video camera so the docs can make sure everything looks good in there. I get to do this every year. But hey, things could be worse…</p>

<p>If you get nauseated after the procedure, let the anesthesiologist know - they can do something to make waking up easier.</p>

<p>DH had a colonoscopy and endoscopy a few months ago, and asked to have the endoscopy first so he wouldn’t wake up with a bad taste in his mouth… :-& =)) </p>

<p>Good to hear, Nrdsb4. Good to hear. 8-| </p>

They should at least clean the scopes in between. Lol</p>

<p>Artloversplus, Don’t be so anal. :smiley: </p>

<p>:)) </p>

<p>Exact Science’s Cologuard test looks like it might be a more “friendly” alternative to colonoscopy. I would much rather go that route! <a href=“How to Use Cologuard: Instructions | Cologuard® Patient Site”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I don’t know – look at the dangers:</p>



<p>Well, I’m not liking these:</p>



<p>No, those are pretty bad.</p>

<p>Well, I wouldn’t use it because I’ve had a polyp. And that hand strain thing gives me pause. 8-| </p>

<p>I get to start my prep at 8 am tomorrow. Oh boy. I wish I could fast forward a week and have this whole prep, surgery and hospital stay over with. </p>

<p>Good luck and take care!</p>