COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>I’ve had 6 or 7 over the last 20 years. It takes me a few hours to down the whole thing (usually something called GoLitely). The result is the same. Don’t mix in any of the flavor envelopes that come with the mix. Try to drink as much as possible of the liquid at room temperature before putting the container in the refrigerator, you can always add an ice cube if you want. It helps a lot to gargle and rinse well after each glass to get rid of that salty taste that tends to linger in the back of your throat. The procedure in itself has been uneventful so far even though there are risks, the sedation has improved over the years and I think now they use Propofol. You blink and you are done.Now they insist on no driving for 24 hours. </p>

Your first post made me thinking you have to go through all these EVERY YEAR, that is pretty scary, 4-6 days in Hospital? Then I realize you are having a resection this year and hopefully do not do it often.:slight_smile: Good grief.</p>

<p>I do the colonoscopy every year, but this is only my second resection in 11 years so it’s not that bad all the time!</p>

<p>Good luck and best wishes, BarnardMom.</p>

<p>Another tip to make drinking the prep bearable: I used a straw to drink it and put the end of the straw as far back in my mouth as I could so that it overshot my taste buds. I also kept a large glass of ginger ale ready to chase the prep down with.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the tips!!! I have my first one coming up.</p>

<p>Best wishes @Barnardmom‌ </p>

<p>What excellent ideas for getting down the prep liquid! Truely it is not easy.</p>

<p>I like the idea of sucking on an ice cube before drinking the prep liquid. I tried it on the rocks, and that helped a little, for a while. Then for a while, I chased every dose with some vegetable broth, or alternated sips. That also helped a little, for a while.</p>

<p>I’d just add lots of vodka and call it a day. :)) </p>

<p>(Obviously I’m joking. I doubt that leftover vodka in one’s system would go well with the propofol.)</p>

<p>Hmmmm. Might be worth the risk! :> </p>

<p>I found the propofol really painful going in. It surprised the heck out of me when the hurt moved up my arm and toward my heart. The anesthiologist leaned over and rubbed hard near my armpit, and then I was out. Anyone else have this happen? I googled it, and there is mention of it online…</p>

<p>@VeryHappy‌ - it’s a good thing I was not drinking when I read your post or I’d need a new keyboard now. LOL</p>

<p>anxiousmom, I have no idea. I heard the nurse say, “OK we’re going to—.” I assume the rest of the sentence was “start the sedation now” but I didn’t hear it. </p>

<p>I have only had conscious sedation, not propofol. I think what they give me is fentanyl. Or is propofol also considered conscious sedation? I thought it was what Michael Jackson used for sleep. I am seriously considering going sedation free since it makes me so ill afterwards: <a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Yuk I have mine scheduled Wednesday (after having put it off for 8 years!) I am taking these suggestions to heart. My instructions from the Dr appear to be generic, so is it odd that amounts/volume of prep and dulcllax are the same for a 125 pound woman and say a 250 pound man?!</p>

I think there is something to what you are saying. When I had my first colonoscopy I weighed about 110. My prep was the same as it was for my 200 pound brother. makes no sense to me. My mom is 4’ 10" and weighs about 110 pounds. The last time she had a scope she had very severe side effects from the prep and I think it was due to her size.<br>
Have you told your doc that you get severe nausea afterward? They really should be able to find a way to sedate you without making you sick! I would not recommend going sedation free. I had a sigmoidoscopy once without sedation and it was horribly uncomfortable.</p>

<p>I will never do a sigmoidoscopy again! I was horrified by that long tube sticking into my a## without sedation. The prep is the same, you only got 1/10th checked out.</p>

<p>Agree, artlovers,
I was young and naive when I had it done. THEN my doctor wanted to do a barium enema when he didn’t find anything with the sigmoidoscopy! Are you kidding me! After that episode, I told him that it would be a full colonoscopy or nothing.</p>

<p>I was told at my last one that the prep is the same regardless of size because the intestines are the same length regardless of size.</p>

<p>The anesthesia should take one’s weight into account, of course.</p>

<p>has any one combined colonoscopy with esophagogastroduodenoscopy? My wife did. She said, if I am out cold, mind as well stick any thing into all the holes to check it out.</p>