COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>Are you sure you can have a cup of black coffee? It was not in my instruction. </p>

<p>Are you sure you can have a cup of black coffee? It was not in my instruction.>>>>>>></p>

<p>Iā€™m going to have it first. After the liquid crappola, nothing else by mouth.</p>

<p>I think you can have black coffee.</p>

<p>Update on my mom. Tomorrow she goes to see the surgeon about the thickening in he colon wall. I am not feeling good about it. She has become so frail and is having so much trouble with her stomach. I will keep you posted.</p>

<p>while I believe black coffee to be ok, not sure Iā€™d recommend it.</p>

<p>A diuretic is not the best plan at that hour. Maintaining fluids is probably a better idea. (Makes the vein easier to find for the iv.)</p>

<p>Just do not take anything. Why jeopardize the whole prep because a cup of coffee? There is no added value. Coffee is black in color.</p>

<p>@EPTR, good luck to your mother. </p>

<p>How does the procedure take in general?</p>

<p>Igloo, the colonoscopy itself takes approximately 30 minutes, give or take several minutes or so, on average. Of course, there is the pre-op assessment, starting the IV, etc., which must be done prior to the actual procedure. At my facility, the time in the recovery is about 30 minutes. So one could be at the facility 2 to 3 three hours, depending.</p>

<p>@Nrdsb4, Thank you! I needed a rough estimate for my upcoming procedure to plan.</p>

<p>thanks VeryHappy and artloversplus!
Vabluebird ā€“ my instructions said no coffee was allowed but tea was ok. Not sure why. Iā€™m sure one cup wonā€™t hurt.
Good luck!</p>

<p>I decided against the black coffee after all.</p>

<p>VaBluebird, was your procedure today, or is it tomorrow?</p>

<p>I have just scheduled a colonoscopy for the end of December, was told last time to come back in 5 years as several polyps were found so it is more like 5 plus years but I have the prep info and it does say on the day of the procedure at least 6 hours before drink the MoviPrep follwed by 2 8 oz glasses of clear liquid, and no oral intake 4 hours prior to procedure so no black coffee. You can have black coffee the day before the procedure. I know that it has to be done but I am so not looking forward to this prep and for the three days prior, no nuts, fresh fruit, raw veggiesā€¦ all things I eat very day.</p>


<p>Yes, you will have a chance to eat a lot of meat in changeā€¦</p>

<p>Unfortunately i do not eat meat at allā€¦ but you can eat fish, eggs, pasta. I will deal with it. The anxiety of the prep is the worst part. I remember taking a good nap when I came home and felt fine after that.</p>

<p>The anxiety of it is definitely worse than the actuality. Doing my prep as we ā€œspeak,ā€ and itā€™s not as bad as I thought it was going to be; and, tomorrow, Iā€™ll be knocked out so I wonā€™t know a thing.</p>

<p>Hope all goes well, 1518mom.</p>

<p>VaBluebird, was your procedure today, or is it tomorrow?>>>>></p>

<p>It was yesterday, 12/1.</p>

<p>All doneā€¦all goodā€¦propofol was the best nap ever!</p>

<p>drugs and a nap = win-win. hahahaha</p>