COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>Ugh…I have to have this Tuesday. I had it 5 years ago and they found a few polyps. I do remember that the prep wasn’t bad at all…even the time having to run to the restroom. I also had the best nap of my life when I got home. Just talked to the nurse today, and it seems the prep now is more intensive, and she said it is. I think the worst part won’t be the prep the night before, but not being able to eat all day Monday…only liquids. I’ve already started to watch what I eat now…no meat, no chocolate, no cheese…stuff like that.</p>

<p>Mine is coming up, too. Do you consider chicken broth clear liquid diet? I have leftover chicken broth from Thanksgiving but no beef broth.</p>

<p>I don’t know. The nurse just sent me my instructions and the file is corrupted. Waiting on another one.</p>

<p>My doc said chicken broth is fine for clear liquid diet. Also apple juice, ice pops, sorbet, jello (just no red or purple colors). I had lime flavored jello (yuck) and a mango ice pop. I mostly had beef broth. Good luck conmama</p>

<p>I had chicken broth duing the liquid only phase of the prep. It was fine.</p>

<p>Congratulation to everyone who did it. lets have a graduation party.^^^^</p>

<p>Mine is in 2 weeks. I bought chicken broth but dont like jello . Now mango ice pops-- theres an idea! Where do you buy those? I also dont like powerade but bought a mango flavor and will try it on the appointed day.</p>

<p>mango pop-cycles can be had in Chinese Super Markets. </p>

<p>I had veggie broth for “dinner” the evening i did my prep. After all the prep liquid and gatorade, it was delicious! </p>

<p>Thanks, will have to search that out. None very close by but can look into it There is mango sorbet in the local stores.</p>

<p>There is a brand of popsicle called Edy’s that has mango, lime, peach and some others. DH swears by them. </p>

<p>^yes – that’s what I bought and they had them in my local grocery store. Good luck jym626.</p>

<p>Is it strange or a sign of old age that this is the only CC thread I am now actively posting in?</p>

<p>@Classof2015: I find my interest in threads ebbs and flows. Sometimes I can go for a month without being very interested in much of anything on CC. Other times, there will be four or five threads that I’m actively following. </p>

<p>@VeryHappy – well said. After the whole college frenzy is over, I drop in once in a while but it’s always a good place to find something you’re interested in. And <em>see</em> old friends :)</p>

<p>Does “no herbal supplements” include herbal teas? My instruction says no herbal supplements. I enjoy a cup of hot herbal tea in the morning that I find hrad to give up even for a few days.</p>


<p>Based on my observation, your interests are in more than 40 or 50 threads for the last FEW years! :)</p>

<p>Yoou are a hopeless CC addict. LOL </p>


<p>Which is more important? Redo the Colonoscopy or have a cup of tea?</p>

<p>Are we allowed to put in artificial sweeteners in coffee? I know there is to be no creamer. @iglooo…I wouldn’t chance it. You could call just to be sure though.</p>

<p>herbals is not a redo (due to cleansing), but a potential bleeding issue (should any polyps get snipped).</p>

<p>Best to avoid.</p>

<p>Ok, switching to coffee for a day or two. Or lemon with honey. Is honey something to watch out for?Bleeding issue? Do some herbal tea cause bleeding? My herbal tea is charmomille. I called Doctor’s office but the receptionist was sure and I didn’t want to make a fuss sending her to find out.</p>

<p>@artloversplus: Guilty as charged. </p>