COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>My biopsy result came back. Out the 5 little ones they removed, 3 turned out to be pre-cancerous. They are so small the doc isn’t concerned. Neither am I. Should I be more concerned?</p>

<p>Only if you want to be. That’s the wonderful thing about this procedure. It literally nips bad things in the bud. </p>

<p>Nay, I am not an over-worrying type. A bit oblivious to reality if anything. It looks like my colonoscopy was quite timely. I am happy about that.</p>



<p>^^ I WAS talking about the fruits in the bar also, what were you thinking? lol…</p>

<p>About to have another cup of chicken broth. Yum.</p>

<p>Yum, Jym! Enjoy! Hope tomorrow goes well!</p>

<p>Thanks, eptr! I am currently thankful for my ipad, which travels easily…</p>

<p>Made it though the “prep”. Suggestion to all: Buy flushable baby wipes.
Off to the procedure…</p>

<p>Done! Awaiting biopsy result…</p>

<p>Did you have a polyp?</p>


<p>hope it is ok </p>

<p>Thank you. I wait…</p>

<p>Did they say how big they are?</p>

<p>I’ll PM you.</p>

<p>^^^ DW got a report back says “32cm polyp removed”. We were very concerned that a polyp of 32cm size would be humongous! It turned out that surgeon had abbreviated the whole thing, it should be “at 32cm, a ployp was removed”… oh my…</p>

<p>Oh my is right!! </p>

<p>Well, no immediate concern, but I have to have another in 3 years. Ugh.</p>

<p>That was the result of my test, too, jym. That means 2015 for me, sigh.</p>

<p>Ugh. Well, my tips: drink the stuff cold, use a straw to have it go to the back of your throat, and hold your nose. And buy flushable baby wipes. </p>