COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>This year, I just had some lower calorie white grape-apple juice for sipping. Other than that, just water. </p>

<p>5+ years ago, I tried the bullion for “dinner”, but that was pretty much a waste, since it had zero of anything – it was just salty flavored water. Plus it didn’t taste good to me – have hated bullion ever since. :smiley: </p>

<p>Don’t have to do anything til the night before, AFAIK. Was just trying to be … um… delicate. The big blowout didn’t sound too polite ;)</p>

<p>Dont like Sprite, Ginger Ale or Gatorade. None of it. Blech. Would try that clear cola if I could find any, but haven’t seen it in a while. But I like the apple/grape juice idea… Will have to check that its ok. They said black coffee is ok but I cant sweeten it. Why?? even if it dissolves??</p>

<p>We went out to lunch after mine, and I swear that was the best meal I’ve ever had. LOL.
jym, I could have black coffee with sugar or sweetner, just no dairy. </p>



<p>Oh come on, do tell @artloversplus.</p>



<p>WHITE grape + apple were on my list of approved libations. </p>

<p>I always drink white grape and apple juices while on the clear liquid day. I believe Sorbet has milk product in it so it wouldn’t be ok. I like chicken broth and beef broth for something warm. </p>

<p>Mag citrate is the stuff that comes right back up almost as soon as it goes down for me. I wasn’t cleaned out enough when I did mag citrate prep because of that. It was the lemon ginger flavor I think, which are both flavors I’m not fond of anyway, but then combine it with the saltiness and ACK. Never doing mag citrate again no matter what. No way, no how. </p>

<p>D made out great. Just hemmorhoids after all. She’s been sleeping all day :)</p>

<p>Great to hear, EPTR…</p>

<p>bought the white grape/apple juice today and now have to check the peach and mango pops to be sure they dont have milk.Ugh.</p>

<p>Win-Win, eptr. </p>



<p>AFAIK, sorbet has no dairy; it is sherbet that has dairy in it. </p>



<p><a href=“What's the Difference Between Sherbet and Sorbet? | HowStuffWorks”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I’d check ingredients. Some of the frozen products don’t have dairy, but they may have pureed fruit (including sorbets), which would not be considered a clear liquid by many GI docs with respect to colonoscopy prep.</p>

<p>If in doubt, call your doctor’s office, because they are very used to hearing all these questions. </p>

<p>I usually hesitate to comment on questions regarding dietary restrictions prior to endoscopy/colonoscopy because not all doctors make the same exact recommendations or restrictions.</p>

<p>Good news, eptr.
My fruit pops don’t say anything about mlk. One is mango and one is peach. If any fruit are in them I’ll try to dig them out. </p>

<p>^^Dig out by hand? you mean? Ewww… :)</p>

<p>this thread has just dropped in the sewer. :smile: </p>

<p>btw: who do I have to bribe to get a emoticon instead of a word?</p>

<p>There is an emoticon symbol on the top right of the reply box, use it.</p>

<p>Gross, artlovers! You know I was referring tio getting them out of the frozen bar Enough said. Just ate a piece of bread. Goodbye solids…</p>

<p>Don’t eat any frozen treats that have pulp in them. Everything has to be clear.</p>

<p>Thanks. Just had my first cuppa coffee.It looks like artificial sweetener is ok</p>

<p>good luck jym!</p>

<p>I plan to do my first in February.</p>

<p>This is my second. Hoping to get to wait another 10 years for the next</p>