COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

If a stool test can resolve every thing, then why the hoopla? I am sure any non-evasive tests cannot remove a polyp if found, you have to do it anyway and chances you have a polyp is high.

Not to mention that by the time there is blood in the stool, it is likely that the cancer has progressed. The point of a colonoscopy is to catch polyps before they become cancerous or to catch cancer in the earliest stage possible.

Ask your surgeon. According to this undated paper, this group recommend antibiotics because you are in the critical two year window. At least, that’s the way I am understanding it.

According to this group you only need them when a polyp is removed.

And according to this you need it.

So ask your surgeon and follow that advice.

I have had at least 3 colonoscopies. The first one I was awake for and found watching the screen fascinating. It was uncomfortable but not painful. The other times I was not awake.

The last time my prep was taking a number of pills with water. No liquid to drink other than that. I would do that again. It worked well.
good luck. My spouse is past the two years of his double knee replacement and is still very vigilant with the antibiotic.

As much as I know I should, I just can’t do it. After a 4 month bout with c-diff three years ago, the thought of the prep freaks me out completely

@wharfrat2, my DH was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer at the age of 46. No family history that we know of.

I can absolutely guarantee you that colon cancer is much worse than even a 4 month bout with c-diff.

The prep is much easier than CDI, its only for one day, which will save your life. Go get it.

The prep I did was pretty gentle. Unlike the cramping misery of illness-related diarrhea, it just causes frequent trips to the bathroom. Nothing like “stomach flu” diarrhea or food poisoning. Just very frequent stools. By the end, it just seems like you are passing water. No discomfort really, certainly nothing comparable to c-diff.

I’m not worried about the prep.i was in hard labor for three days & I don’t imagine it will even approach that.
I was surprised to hear from a couple people however, that their gastro doc did not use a sedative.
I had a gyn like that. Actually two.
Who the heck does a d&c after a 16 week miscarriage without anesthesia?

Ask you GI doc if he typically uses a sedative. If he says No, move on. There are many GI docs where you live.

I’ve never had c.diff but I have had the regular type of, well, you know. Prep is nothing like that. Much less discomfort, and it’s really only for a few hours.

I am having my colonoscopy on Thursday! It is my third one (first was at age 40 due to family history.) The prep is not bad. As I mentioned many pages ago, I hate how I get slow onset nausea and vomiting from the sedation. They promise to give me Zofran, but I am still not looking forward to the rest of the day after the procedure.

I already have mine scheduled. I only asked about antibiotics because it was mentioned in the prep material they gave me. Obviously that needs to be updated.
I did really well with the local that was used during my knee replacement, don’t know what it was however.
And they did say I needed someone to drive me home, so it does sound like there will be drugs involved.

Oh so sorry, nrdsb4. Hope DH is ok.

cdiff is no fun. It had my DS in the hospital for a week. Ugh.

I had it for 3-4 months and lost 45 lbs

Whoa. Not a diet plan of choice.

Well, the drugs used for colonoscopy are not local anesthetics. They are usually either “conscious sedation” i.e. “twilight sleep” or general anesthesia - usually propofol- that actually puts you “under.” The good thing about propofol vs. most general anesthesia is that you maintain your airway, breathe on your own, and don’t need mechanical ventilation. It also is short acting and wears off pretty quickly relative to most general anesthesia.

Thank you! He is 7.5 years post diagnosis and is doing very well. There was a pretty awful year and a half during treatment, but the folks at MD Anderson got the job done. His oncologist told him to beat it-doesn’t want to see him again, and he has his last appointment with the surgeon on Thursday to make sure everything looks good in that regard. Last colonoscopy in Sept. was clean.

Yes, we are blessed. And he would be the first one to say “DON’T blow off that colonsocopy!”

great news!

Survived another colonoscopy! This was the best one yet. I am not nauseous from the sedative, thank goodness. I worked a really long day yesterday on my clear liquid diet (I work a regular job plus teach an evening class Wednesdays), drank the first dose of the magnesium citrate on the car ride home. Kept very busy in the morning today so as keep my mind off of hunger. It really wasn’t too bad at all.

Good for you, LBowie!