COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

Belated back to report that my colonoscopy in early January was fine, 1 polyp so come back in five years. The anticipation of the prep was much worse than the prep itself, the procedure itself is not a big deal and you will be thankful that it is over and done. DH has one scheduled for this week.

Never noticed this topic until now. I completed my first colonoscopy a couple of weeks ago, and it was not nearly as bad as i feared. It was recommended because blood tests indicated anemia and low levels of B12. The prep was unpleasant and made me tired,but it was not painful. The drugs were enough to make me not really care too much about what was happening during the procedure itself, but I was awake the whole time. I had an endoscopy done at the same time. There was one glitch. They couldn’t finish the colonoscopy because I have what is referred to in medical jargon as a redundant colon. Who knew? Basically, too many twists and turns so couldn’t get the scope all the way through. So after that I had to drink some concoction and then head over to another location to get an imaging test done. I have to say, that was worse that the colonoscopy, because they fill your bowels with air in order to take good images, and it was extremely uncomfortable – to the point where I was about to jump off the table. Like bad gas pains along with a feeling of having to go right now. Maybe it was more uncomfortable because no drugs for this part? Fortunately, it didn’t take very long. And the pictures were good enough for them to give the all clear, come back in 5 to 10 years . . . The endoscopy part?-- meh-- kind of weird, but again, not bad at all, probably because of good drugs. I was very anxious about that one, but it really seemed like no big deal when they actually performed the procedure.

So the mystery remains as to why the anemia and low B12. I am taking vitamins and getting B12 shots, so I will find out l if that does the trick in a few months.

I had put off doing this for several years, but my sister would bring it up about once a year, and I’m glad I finally did it. This week my hubster gets to have his second one. – Oh, that reminds me – he had better let the director know he will not be able to make play rehearsal the night before . . . :neutral_face:

Just got back from Target and amusing myself by saying things out loud like “meet you over by the laxative section” to the teenaged D tagging along. Got some significant and deserved eye rolls on this shopping trip. Getting supplies for someone else’s colonoscopy can be fun.

gah. Hope my H doesn’t read about this. He still hasn’t scheduled his first colonoscopy, even though he will be 60 in a few months.
He did make noises like he was going to, but after playing phone tag with the MA for the intake questionnaire, he says he’s not going.

Not his only unhealthy habit. You should see what he eats for breakfast and lunch!

Please I beg you to tell your H to take the plunge. I am a bit older than him and I had two already. The first one was only the “shot” scopy and I don’t know what it is called.


Yeah, I have no clue what he means by “shot” scopy.

yes, Sigmoidoscopy^^^ That word just escape my mind when I wrote the above.

BTW the UCLA hospital “dirty scope” on Sigmoidoscopy seems very involved. Hundreds were effected.

Sigmoidoscopy is mainly done to look for specific problems in the lower digestive tract. It’s also used to look at the anastomosis when surgery has been done on the rectum or sigmoid.

I cannot imagine using it as a colon cancer screening tool as it only visualizes the very end of the colon and rectum. Not very useful for someone who may have a cancer growing in the cecum, ascending colon, transverse colon, and descending colon. Granted, most colon cancers arise in the lower portion of the colon, but you still are taking a chance of missing one if this is as far as you go. My pre-cancerous polyp would not have been visualized with a sigmoidoscopy.


You missed the point! The UCLA hospital had spread communicable disease through the"dirty" scope, 100’s of patients were effected. Its in the news all over the place.

I thought that was a scope used for endoscopies. And the issue with it is that there is some sort of mechanical piece that apparently was not getting sterilized along with the rest of the scope.

I understand about the UCLA comment. I just chose to discuss sigmoidoscopy in my post.

Yes, that’s correct. Various scopes are used for all endoscopic procedures including upper endoscopy, colonscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. I had read that the UCLA staff was cleaning the scopes according to manufacturer’s instructions, but that apparently wasn’t sufficient.

i was looking on a suggestion board that starting a modified fast two or even three days earlier makes prep easier, so I am doing that today.
Although since we are driving home from a trip, it hasnt been easy to find something to eat. Everything is whole grains, but Im guessing I can find jello.


If you follow the doctor’s instructions, you will be fine, there is no need to over do it.

I don’t think making it easier on myself is overdoing makes sense that if less goes in, less has to come out!
And after hearing my sister in law tell a horror story about her friends prep, I don’t want to do it that way.

Just avoid blue, red or purple jello.

Emeraldkity, I did that for my prep, and I really thought the prep was not that bad.

I ate green jello, but it was so disgusting I am putting the rest in the yard waste.
I’m sucking on butterscotch candy, with a clove stuck in my cheek, a la’ Sissy Hankshaw, from Even Cowgirls Get The Blues.
I couldn’t drink that much water yesterday, because we were driving through mountain passes, no place to pee.

EK small discomfort big relief! You will get over it.

Good luck.

Back home again. Prep went well, no cramping, a pineapply taste that I rather liked.the worst part was just having broth for a few days & after reading a suggestion to drink the broth from strained noodle soup, it was more satisfying than broth.
I bought baby wipes, but didnt need them,
The procedure was also quite painless & quick. I had done a good job with prep apparently. After wards just a couple farts, but not uncomfortable & while I held Hs arm to go to the car, i didnt feel dizzy.
Best part dont have to come back for ten yrs, plus H promises he will schedule one.