COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

I wonder if you were low blood sugar, JZMOM2? How terrible to have hurt yourself like that.

I’m done with mine, it was no big deal, done in a flash, just one polyp, hopefully not abnormal. No weird behavior from the sedative. They said they didn’t give me much. But somehow I actually gained weight-went from 131 to 133!! What’s going on, I thought this was going to be a great weight loss day. Only had very low calorie liquids, so maybe it’s just all bloat that will disappear.

But where did I leave those cookies?

Ha–I gained a lb too and I had nothing but liquids one day and nothing for many hours.

I put my 8 oz on ice and used a straw, had a halls cough drop in my mouth and held my nose and drank it straight down.
I had to be up from 3-5 am to drink the second half.
They had wanted to me to have a general as I did not go under easily the first time. I refused and so when the 16 yr old doc (really maybe? She barely looked that) put the device in I sat straight up and said, “I was not expecting that!”.
They must have zapped me because that is all I remember. Oh, well I did watch for awhile–interesting movie. LOL

So busdriver as you want to live forever you have more to look forward to. Me? I think one and maybe two at most. One of the silverlinings of the end of life decades?

I think I only want to live forever if they find a way to fix wrinkles. And dementia. I didn’t feel anything, but woke up for the last part of the procedure. They said they didn’t give me much sedation. So I’m wondering why I can’t drink a glass of wine tonight. I have zero aftereffects, not forgetful, woozy, nothing. And I want some wine!!

I humbly give you permission to drink you bottle of wine :)>-
I certainly had a vodka tonic that very evening–but then they did not bother to tell me not to…maybe I have a look?

Maybe they told you and you conveniently forgot?

No one stops you to take a glass of wine, but if you took a bottle of vodka you may not woke up for the last part of procedure. :slight_smile:

PSA for those who are procrastinating - just do it, truly it is not a big deal. Had mine today, and the anticipation was far worse than the process itself. My doc gave me Prepopik, which is relatively new I believe. SO, SO much better than what others have had to do. You just have to drink 5 oz. of the mix, then follow it with 6 glasses of water or other clear beverage. I did this twice - at 7 the night before, and then 4 hours before procedure which for me was 7:30 am. I chilled the mix a bit and drank it with a straw - not nasty at all! And the laxative effect was very mild. I had no bloating or cramping, and was done eliminating within 2 hours of taking the mix. Slept through the night and woke up feeling well. Finished prepping, and even did some light yoga before showering and going to the appt.

Anesthesia was no problem - fell asleep as soon as they put it in the IV, woke up as soon as I got back to recovery. Felt great, no loopiness. Thanked the doc for that wonderful choice of prep that didn’t require me to gag down huge amounts of nastiness!!!

Don’t have to go back for 10 years; so happy to have the anxiety behind me as it was all for naught. Even the liquids only diet was not a big deal (and I am one who doesn’t like to miss a meal!) >>>>>JUST DO IT. <<<<<

I used Prepopik for my first colonoscopy yesterday. The stuff tasted good - like 7 up, and there wasn’t much of it. I didn’t feel the need to drink it with a straw or even rinse my mouth afterwards. I just started drinking clear liquid right away. Not much liquid to drink either - 40 ounces at your own pace the first time, 24 ounces the second time. I did have to “go” every 30-40 minutes the entire time. 9 hours for the first dose, 6.5 hours for the second. Very tiring. I finished about 3 hours prior to my scheduled arrival at the clinic. Fortunately, I had taken the second dose 10 hours prior to my appointment - my doctor recommends 4 hours, which I think is cutting it too closely. I think I would probably have the same reaction (lengthened response) to any prep drug; I don’t blame it on Prepopik.

Anesthesia was fine. They use twilight sleep - Versed and something else. I told the staff very firmly that I did not want to be awake for any part of the procedure. I did wake up briefly as they were finishing and was not in pain, just very aware of what they were doing! I complained and they gave me more drugs. When I woke up again, I was in the recovery area. Since this was a general outpatient surgery center, I did not have a lot of nurses telling me to pass gas! They told me to do it and then left me alone - I don’t “perform” well on command anyway. No control over that area!

We stopped for dinner on the way home - after having been on a liquid diet for almost 2 days, I was starved. I don’t have to go back for 10 years! The doctor told me that I had done a clean prep, which was good considering how far ahead I had taken the second dose.

By the way - after “going” so darned much during prep, I rather hope it’ll be a few days until my system gets back to normal! I am tired of spending time in the bathroom!

I will absolutely use this stuff again.

The majority of doctors who work at the endoscopy center where I work use C02 to “inflate” the colon for visualization rather than the old standby, air. Patients who receive C02 do not have post procedural gas to any great degree. Those who receive air often have very uncomfortable bloating, distention, and embarrassing “gas” afterwards. It’s not really “gas” in that the body didn’t produce it, but it basically behaves the same.

Back in the day, postop nurses apparently spent a lot of their time directing patients to pass their gas. Not an issue for us or our patients at our center.

The patient in the recovery cubicle next to mine had absolutely no difficulty passing gas (or whatever). It was kind of hard for me to listen to. I have no idea what they used, but I don’t think I’ve passed anything, and I feel fine. I do wish my tummy would quit rumbling, though.

Word of advice. Make sure that you are eating well, and that your system is running smoothly before you start the prep. If you had little hemorrhoids before the prep, they will become large ones by the end of it. :frowning:

This thread reminds me I need to do one soon. Last time was 5 years ago.

For some reason, one of our docs prefers to use air. Whenever a CRNA brings a patient to recovery, they always start their report with patient name, procedure, and doctor name. If they bring me a patient who is loudly passing gas in their sleep, I always respond with “Hmm, let me guess: Dr. Brown’s patient?”

“Make sure that you are eating well, and that your system is running smoothly before you start the prep.”

It’s hard to eat well if you follow the precolonoscopy low residue diet. It tends to clog up the plumbing.

The low residue diet they told me to eat was only the morning I started the prep, except for avoiding nuts and popcorn for three days before. Not enough time to clog up anything. I did it all on my own, as I tend to dehydrate myself when I work.

My clinic told me to avoid nuts, seeds and “heavy bread” for the week before. So I did that, but based on advice I’d read on the Internet, I put myself on the “low residue” diet starting 3 days before prep day. The day before prep day I didn’t eat much, and drank a lot of water. I didn’t eat solid food after 5 pm the day before prep day, which meant I’d been without food for almost 48 hours by the time of my procedure on Friday. I don’t know if all of that contributed to my “well cleaned” verdict from the doc.

I’m sure that’s totally why you got the “well cleaned” stamp of approval. After all that, you certainly should have. I just did what they told me, and added five little chocolate chip cookies to breakfast (uh oh), right before I was to start the liquids. My doctor said next time I need to go on a clear liquid diet for two days prior, instead of one, next time. I think the cookies did me in.

I just scheduled my first colonoscopy. The doctor’s website lists about 5 different preps, but I have not gotten my packet in the mail yet to see which one they recommend for me: Miralax, MoviPrep, PrepoPik, SuPrep, and GoLytely. Who names these things??

I am having a morning appointment - 10:30. In reading the prep stuff it almost sounds like an afternoon would be better, you can eat lightly up until 1:00 pm the day before, and you don’t have to get up at 4 or 5 am to start the second half of the prep. But I could not make an afternoon appt work with my schedule and I want to get this over with.

Trust me, you’d just be sorry you ate till 1 once the prep kicks in!! The prep is awful. The procedure is a breeze.

The prep isn’t awful – it’s not a heck of a lot of fun, I’ll grant you, but it’s not awful. Stomach flu, now that’s awful