COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

^^^Great result in more ways than one.

Envious about the 10 year ticket.


See, all that anxiety is relieved.

Yayyy, ek!!

ā€œPrep went well, no cramping, a pineapply taste that I rather liked.the worst part was just having broth for a few days & after reading a suggestion to drink the broth from strained noodle soup, it was more satisfying than broth.ā€

Did you mix the broth with the prep stuff? Iā€™m starting my prep in about 4 hours, definitely not looking forward to it. I am going to start out with a little experiment, of what tastes least bad (canā€™t actually call it the best). I plan to mix 2 oz Golytely with a colorless orange stevia based soda, 2 oz with a stevia based lemonade Crystal light powder, 2 oz with low sodium beef broth (slightly heated), and 2 oz with a no sodium chicken stock, heated. Then the next time, drop a no sodium vegetable bouillon cube into the cup, and slightly heat it, if the soup idea works.

These are all the ā€œbest ofā€ recommendations that Iā€™ve read, along with sucking on a lemon before and after, plug your nose and use a straw, or, ā€œplug your nose and drink it like cheap beer at a frat partyā€. People really seemed to like making it into warm soup, which is generally salty anyways. But I hesitate to add to the volume of liquid. I donā€™t know, weā€™ll see. I can probably gag anything down, I just donā€™t want to barf it back up. Probably didnā€™t help that instead of a light breakfast that I was supposed to have, I had an omelet and chocolate chip cookies. Maybe it was a light breakfast for a Sumo wrestler! But those cookies just called out to me, and how could I refuse them?

I donā€™t think broth and prep drug (Golytely?) mix well, unless it is approved by the doctor.

^^ ā€œI can probably gag anything down,ā€¦ā€

Thatā€™s what I thought too. But once I got through the first half without much trouble, something changed. My gag reflex started to kick in just thinking about it. I never tried mixing the broth with the prep, just used the broth as a chaser. I only managed to get 2/3 of the prep down, but fortunately it was enough. Iā€™m on the 10 year plan.

Good luck.

since the prep stuff was pineapply, I did NOT mix it with chicken broth.
It really wasnā€™t bad, but then I drink Emergenc-c, and some people donā€™t like that.
Mine had electrolytes in it, and while I dumped one packet of Crystal light into it, I probably didnā€™t need it.
I did drink it little slower than recommended, i.eā€¦ I skipped a dose when I felt like I was going to explode/puke.
It did take * a little bit* longer to get " going", than I expected, but it started finally.
The funny thing was, that for a month afterwards, whenever I had anything to drink, I drank the whole thing all at once.

I did have the Golytely, I think, but I watered it down too much because I misread the line, then I dumped some of it out when I saw I made too much.
It all still worked ok. The Dr said I was nice and clean.

ā€œI did have the Golytely, I think, but I watered it down too much because I misread the line, then I dumped some of it out when I saw I made too much.
It all still worked ok. The Dr said I was nice and cleanā€

Hmm, the line is all the way at the top of the bottle, so how could you misread it? Did I put too much water in it too? I only see one line there. But weird, pineapple flavored? Never heard that one.

The directions didnā€™t say that you couldnā€™t heat it, they just said not to freeze it.

Hmm, I just talked to the doctorā€™s assistant, who told me to only mix the stuff with water and the flavor packet. She didnā€™t have any particular reason for why to not mix it with other liquids, or why you shouldnā€™t heat it up. Nothing more than this is what the directions are, and this is what youā€™re supposed to do. That always makes me wonder. She was trying to be helpful, but when one canā€™t answer the why not questions, it makes me think that she really doesnā€™t know.

Normally, when you mix chemicals with heated up liquid, there is a chance that chemical lost its strength or transform in to another potion. If they tell you mix with cold water or flavored water, there is a reason for it.

I am no doctor, that is only my 2 cent.

See, that is something that makes sense. I like to hear the why of something, instead of ā€œjust because thatā€™s what the directions say.ā€ I guess my experiment will not be done, and Iā€™ll just use that Crystal Lite stuff. Hoping not to puke.

Bummer I couldnā€™t just take a quadruple dose of Senna tea. Now that stuff gets you going, and doesnā€™t even taste half bad.

Hmm. One cup down, and this stuff isnā€™t bad at all. I had expected something gross, and itā€™s no big deal, just a little salty. Mixed it with lemonade flavored Crystal Lite pure (Stevia and Truvia are the sweeteners, so no artificial yucky taste). Sucked on an ice cube to dull the taste buds, then a lemon right before and after drinking, chugging it like ā€œcheap beer at a frat party,ā€ while holding my nose. I think I can do this.

Of course, Iā€™ll probably be singing a different tune tomorrow, when I have to chug all 8 cups at one time.

Good luck, @busdriver11. Itā€™s not the worst thing in the world.

The anticipation is worse than the aftermath.

Did the Gatorade/Miralax prep a few weeks ago. You divide the bottle of Miralax between 2 32 oz bottles of Gatorade. Passed out after first bottle, fell off toilet, ended up with bruised head, chest, arms and knees. Had the colonoscopy the next day anyway with no problem. Thank goodness I donā€™t have to do that again for 5 years!

So basically what Iā€™m hearing here is that there are several prep methods?

My friend just did hers and she was on a low residue diet for two days, then clear liquids for a day and she didnā€™t have to drink a prep until the morning of her procedure (which was at 1 pm). Iā€™ll have to ask her what the name was.

Thatā€™s terrible, JZMOM2, what happened? Did you get dizzy from low blood sugar, or lack of fluids? How awful!

Thatā€™s an interesting prep, surfcity, Iā€™d never heard of that one.

I am wondering if my prep worked right, as mostly fluid just came out, and my stomach is still pretty bloated. As painless as this was so far, I sure donā€™t want to have to do it again. Perhaps the cookies I ate for breakfast messed it all up. But they were very low fiber, so?

Good job, busdriver! ā€¦Can I get a vicarious colonoscopy?

Sure, but youā€™ll have to get vicarious polyps removed. And hopefully a vicarious free pass for the next ten years. You can definitely have the vicarious chocolate chip cookies I plan to consume on the way home.

DH (who is MD) thinks I fainted due to dehydration, but IDK, I was on clear liquid diet that day and had had plenty to drink. I didnā€™t drink the second bottle of Gatorade/Miralax and was worried that I wouldnā€™t be able to have the procedure because I wasnā€™t cleaned out enough. When my doctor came into the room I said, ā€œI have a confession.ā€ He replied jokingly, ā€œIā€™m not a priest.ā€ What a comedian. In any event, he said I was clean enough. That prep also requires taking milk of magnesia and 4 laxative tablets.