COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

It sure is. I’ve had many. I’ll take any improvement on the prep.

Well, this new one is “low volume.” That alone would be an improvement.

@wheatonmom Not during colonoscopy. I was nauseous after a simple procedure a long time ago. It went away on its own. I had propofol during my first colonoscopy. I never felt more rested in my life. They used something else this time and I was a bit groggy.

The worst part of the prep was drinking that artificially sweetened crap! In all seriousness, I saved the label that states how much and what was included in it. Next time, I am making my own prep sans the unbearable sweetener according to that recipe if no better preps are available. I expected to have cramps and stomach aches - nope, none of that. It came out as fast as it came in, LOL. :slight_smile:

I often make my own potion. Some of that prep I just can’t get down. I’ve had so many different preps for various procedures that I pretty much know how to clean myself out. So I welcome a new low volume one.

They sent a pack of gatorade with the prep stuff. I cant stand gatorade. So I used crystal light lemonade.It was fine as this time the prep stuff was tasteless (in the past it was nasty). But choking down 32 oz in an hour is hard, especially twice in 18ish hours. Plus they want you do drink more water on the of that to stay hydrated. its hard to drink that much. And I will probably never drink crystal light lemonade again.

So if there is less volume to ingest in the future, thats great. But the rest— its difficult to imagine how they can make that any easier.

My approach to volume - do not prolong the agony. Drinking that swill cold, through a straw?! No way. I made miine slightly warmerj than lukewarm and just gulped it down very quickly.

That’s a great way to do it if you can.

Prepopik has been on the market for several years and is pretty low volume. It’s 5 oz. times 2, though you do have to drink several glasses of clear liquids over a period of hours as well. It was really easy imo in comparison with the other large volume preps. More expensive, though.

The recommendation to drink it cold, and through a straw is to help minimize any unpleasant taste and the straw helps to keep it in the back of your mouth and not all over the tongue. I cannot drink it any other way or it doesn’t stay down. I put it in a big drink/water bottle and used the straw until the level was low enough in the container that the straw didnt work. At that point I just drank it. Instructions are to consume 32 oz within a 1 hr period, so I drank a bit at a time as I watched tv. Could not chug this stuff or it would have come right back up. The good news is that this time the stuff was tasteless in the lemonade.

Mine is on Thursday morning and I’m struggling with what I can eat. Most of my diet is on the “do not eat 5 days before” list lol.

Ok reminder to self: I really, really cannot tolerate golytley/nulytley/anything related.

Good news though: everything came back OK this morning, barring a few biopsies just to rule a few things out. No signs of IBD so fingers crossed, I do not have to do this again for another 20+ years :smiley:

Rcvd my FIT (Fecal immunochemical) test results today - and they were negative. That was a very easy inexpensive test and I will happily repeat annually. For anyone who is on the fence re a colonoscopy - please ask about the FIT test. The best test is the one you will actually do.

@rockvillemom That’s great news. Congratulations!

Had my colonoscopy yesterday. Note to self…2pm is too late to wait for food!

I have an intolerance to sulfites/preservatives so I was prescribed a 3 day liquid diet and a split dose of MiraLax which is the Polyethylene Glycol 3350 without any electrolytes so there is no salty taste… Because Gatorade is off the table for me, I mixed each dose with 32 oz of 1/2 water and 1/2 unflavored Pedialyte.

I mixed the first dose a couple of hours before and the 2nd before I went to bed so they had time to get nice and cold. I drank sort of fast with a straw followed by bubbly water, apple juice and clear broth). This is my 3rd colonoscopy and I must say that there was no taste and it went down quite well.

After an hour I had the “urge” and because of my liquid diet, this too was easy and quick. I had the same experience in the morning.

I also opted to go without any medication. I asked for something to squeeze to distract me from any pain and the tech made me my very own inflated latex glove! I did have to squeeze it about 4 or 5 times for maybe 10 seconds each time. (I was actually more focused on not bursting the darn thing). Because I went without meds, the doctor lessened my pain by pumping in CO2 instead of air. I had 5 small polyps removed so fingers crossed on those.

After wheeling me out of the room and final vitals were taken I was free to get dressed and leave. Next time I will also go drug free.

Our facility uses CO2 only, regardless of sedation or not. It makes the after care so much more pleasant-both for patient and those around him. :wink:

Your doc would probably have told you if he was worried about the polyps. These docs have seen cancer and can recognize it easily. But of course, pathology has the final word. I’m betting you are good.

Yup, no gas was passed!

I had my first colonoscopy today! Overall it wasn’t bad. I could eat whatever I wanted until two days before, but I chose to limit myself to a light, lowfat diet. Then I was on a clear liquid diet the day before, and drank the 5 oz prep drink at 4 pm. The “effects” kicked in about 40 minutes later. After bottle 1 of the prep drink, I had to drink 40 oz of clear liquid by 9 p.m. I was able to go to sleep at about 10:30 pm. I had to get up at 2:30 a.m. for the second bottle of prep, followed by 24 oz of clear liquid by 3:30 a.m. By then I was mostly cleaned out and the second round wasn’t a big deal. My appointment was at 8 a.m.

The product that was used was ClenPiq. The taste wasn’t bad to me, but I can see how it would bother some people. The price was $65, but you can download a coupon on the website to bring it down to $40 in case your insurance doesn’t cover it. I was annoyed that my insurance claims to cover the procedure 100%, which is true, but they essentially don’t cover the prep medicine. Even without insurance you can download the coupon on their website and buy the prep for $40 cash.

I have some minor blood pressure issues and a minor heartbeat abnormality (reviewed by a cardio less than a month ago), and I was OK to proceed. I had general anesthesia with no bad effects. Other rounds of general anesthesia for minor surgery have resulted in severe nausea, so I was happy that this was easy.

There is a two week wait for the biopsy results of 3 polyps. I’m hopeful for a good outcome.

I have had 2. The bowel prep is not so bad, like any other adbominal surgery. Mine went well. Just have a driver to take you home and enjoy the day off.

I’ve had two, eating jello and then the prep liquid. That’s the worst part. The procedure itself was harmless, done with Versed (midazolam) which means you just don’t remember it, but you’re still somewhat awake to cooperate with the doc. Before those I had a sigmoid without meds; never again. Awful.