COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

Sorry about the HBP, @rockvillemom. If the screening is clear, how long will they give you a reprieve for?

I am skeeved that I am going trough this “prep” during “The Voice” finals!

The FIT test would need to be annual, but it is just an at home test to take a sample, mail it in, they test for microscopic blood in stool. No prep and inexpensive. The colonguard test is DNA based and is better, but a $600 test that Aetna will not cover. Of course, colonoscopy still the best option, but FIT is better than nothing. So, it’s a starting point. I knew I was anxious about the colonoscopy, but the 140/90 at the consultation was nuts. My temp was elevated as well - I felt so much better as soon as I left - but I really did like the dr and will consider the colonoscopy in the future.

That is slightly elevated; nowhere near qualifying as “nuts.”

It is for me personally, not talking about the general population. If you experienced the highest reading you had ever experienced in your life, you would be alarmed too. I have never ever had a bp reading much above 120/80, so yes, to me, that was nuts. The gastroenterologist agreed with me to listen to my body and if it was telling me not to do a colonoscopy next week, I should listen to that voice. In doing so, he really gained my trust and increased the likelihood that I will do it in 2018.

Having a colonoscopy can be stressful. Wouldn’t be surprising if one’s BP was elevated. Was the doc willing to do the procedure or is there a threshold cutoff for BP where they wont do it?

I am almost finished with the last of the liquid stuff this morning. I really, REALLY hope they don’t send me home for any reason. My nose is running a bit. I am telling myself that things are running at both ends from the prep.

Dr was not alarmed by bp. He would have left it scheduled for next week. But he respected my anxiety and need for control, and gained my trust by doing so. I feel much calmer about it today. Home test for 2017, will reschedule colonoscopy in 2018. I don’t like being told I “have” to do something that I feel is unnecessary, so by his not doing so, I feel more in control and more likely to reschedule.

Have you had a colonoscopy before, @rockvillemom or was this your first initial appointment? This is my third, and I didn’t even need to go in for an appointment. They did the screening on the phone and when I met criteria, they scheduled me and send me a link to where I ordered the prep package, and it arrived in the mail. I am about done with the “prep” and if they cancelled my procedure today when I am there, That’s when they will see my BP rise!!

@jym626, good luck!

Thanks! Well, on the bright side, I started watching what I ate several days ago, and with that, combined with the “prep”, I’ve lost 4 lbs (2 in the last day). OK, so much of it is temporary, but Ill take it!

There is but I think it has to be quite high. My BP was much higher than usual on the day. The nurse kept checking again and again. She said it was still below the threshold. I blamed the diet. I am very susceptible to what I eat.

BP can be controlled with IV medications. At our facility, very high BP would be treated with an IV medication and the procedure would proceed. They don’t cancel these procedures very often unless they have absolutely no choice.Scenarios I have seen that resulted in cancellation of procedure after patient has done the prep:

Pneumonia that hasn’t cleared up completely (audible fluid in lungs with and without fever)
EKG with changes suggestive of ischemia
Cardiac arrhythmia on EKG
Patient admits to having eaten food past the deadline or consumed non-clear liquids
Dialysis patient who for any reason had to skip a planned dialysis session

I’ve seen procedures aborted if the patient was not well cleaned out. No reason to continue if the colon surface cannot be visualized.

We know how disappointed patients would be to have their procedures cancelled after fasting and going through the prep. That’s why we are expected to show up, even in inclement weather (unless it could be foreseen in time to notify patients).

@jym626 - first timer. So - cancelled for next week - but I feel better about the whole thing today and will reschedule. This week has just been bad with some stressful changes at work and I just get overwhelmed. I found the dr to be very kind and understanding about my anxiety - which made me feel better about the whole idea. So - just a postponement for now.

All done. No news is good news, back to waiting 5 years for next one. Sushi here we come. first BP was 119/63 today. It drops after the procedure but is back to 100/ 70.

My BP was crazy, as in they said I should be stroking. At ER they started me on meds and I have been fine since. Trying to eat better, continue on with the exercise I do. Life has been stressful with tending to my elderly mom–she’s recently had an accident and is no longer driving. We are trying our best to keep her happy, but she is miserable and letting us know she isn’t happy. I know that has contributed a lot to all of this. I also know I get nervous with this test as so many in family have dealt with colon cancer. Good wake up call to remember to take care of myself. I pray the test in a month goes as plans and I am given another couple of years before the next one.

Note that FIT and FIT-DNA (Cologuard) do mean colonoscopy if something is indicated, but the expected lifetime number of colonoscopies is lower (1.7 versus 4.0 for colonoscopy every 10 years).

Comparing colonoscopy every 10 years to FIT every year, colonoscopy every 10 years gains about 10% more life-years (270 versus 244 per 1000 screened) and averts about 10% more colorectal cancer deaths (24 versus 22) than FIT every year. However, it has a higher rate of harms or complications (15 versus 10 per 1000 screened). It is also significantly more expensive (probably about double of FIT every year, including the expected number of colonoscopies when FIT finds something).

FIT-DNA every 3 years is slightly less effective than FIT every year, but the cost appears similar to colonoscopy every 10 years. FIT-DNA every year is more effective, but the cost is probably significantly higher than colonoscopy every 10 years.

FIT every year is basically the value choice with 90% of the effectiveness at probably expected 50% of the cost (and lower risk of harms or complications) of colonoscopy every 10 years. FIT-DNA’s high cost while not being more effective puts it at a disadvantage to other screening methods (probably why insurance companies do not want to cover it).

@ucbalumnus Thank you for those stats. I had a horrific experience with a colonoscopy last year, and at this time have no intentions to repeat it. Based on my family and personal medical history and personal risk factors vs. the complications last year, I’m ok with that decision, at least for now.

I am glad to find out more about the FIT and will pursue that in the future. Thanks to all who posted about the alternative tests.

Remember that annual FIT does mean getting a colonoscopy if the FIT finds something – but the expected number of colonoscopies (and their added risk and cost) over your life is lower than doing colonoscopy every 10 years as primary screening.

Just had my colonoscopy today and it went fine, but now I’m nauseous 5 hours later. Anyone else this sensitive to the anesthesia/sedative? I hope it will pass soon.

A better prep coming soon.

Its hard to imagine any bowel prep that isn’t unpleasant. Its an uncomfortable process.