COLONOSCOPY How hard is it on you?

<p>To me, it’s not about thinking I can cheat death. It’s about making sure that my quality of life (DIRECTLY associated with good health) is as good as possible while I’m alive. If I can avoid a long, painful death from condition A or condition B, I’m going to give it the old college try. It’s no guarantee I won’t succumb to something else equally as uncomfortable, but as much risk as life carries, why would I add to that risk needlessly?</p>

<p>As a nurse, I’ve come into contact with people who suffer horribly from things which were in their power to prevent. As mentioned previously, there is a whole lot more heartbreak associated with these conditions (for family and friends as well as the patients, who almost always verbalize tremendous remorse at their failure to prevent) than with those who meet the natural end as the body just finally runs out of time.</p>

<p>It’s easy to be cavalier and say “well, I’ve got to die of something.” My experience is that the cavalier attitude usually disappears pretty quickly once the reality of a horrible, painful death sets in, particularly when it turns out to be something that could have EASILY been prevented with a day of nausea or several ***moments ***of discomfort.</p>



<p>I know potty humor really gets some people going, but I’ve never been able to come up with anything remotely funny. It just always falls flat somehow; most do, in fact, though my BIL sometimes manages to pull it off.:)</p>



<p>When I first started working at my facility, I had to do an OSHA type homework assignment where I identified various potential hazards associated with my job. A few of the categories I was required to address stumped me as I looked around the facility. I asked a group of nurses and techs “Do we have any potential explosion hazards here?” Laughter and hoots ensued. Boy, did I serve that one up perfectly. :-D</p>

<p>There are lots of amusing medical double entendres. One of my favorites used to be “x-rays of your skull showed nothing”.</p>

<p>The tshirt I posted earlier (which is a real, and very funny shirt) isnt really, IMO, potty humor per se. Have to wonder if someone thought this silliness was directed at them, which it was not.</p>

<p>Perhaps a poster thought they were being made the butt of a joke. ;)</p>

<p>They would have to be pretty anal to think that.</p>

<p>Or perhaps they just lack intestinal fortitude.</p>

<p>This thread deserves a fanny club</p>

<p>As for posters who might not like potty humor- maybe they can learn to turn the other cheek</p>

<p>And as for the loss of the jokes here-- oh poo.</p>

<p>Oh- thats all for now.</p>

<p>jym, you crack me up. I can’t believe that my invitation for you to visit me in my imaginary Napa house also disappeared.</p>

<p>Went out for few hours and pooof! its gone… my jokes!</p>

<p>They should open a section just for humors…perhaps it will fair better than the political section which they closed.</p>

<p>Hey all, it’s happy hour. Bottoms up!</p>

Real or virtual,I am so there! </p>

<p>Artloversplus- great idea for a humor forum. Maybe it should be caslled “laugh your a€€. Off”</p>

<p>I think this thread has bottomed out.</p>

<p>Just got home. I’d post something here but I am really pooped.</p>

<p>Crap, jym626. What a waste.</p>

<p>I wish everyone would eliminate all these bad comments because they just naturally stink.</p>

<p>End run!!!</p>

<p>It isn’t bad! Once you get past the prep you will be given good drugs like IV demerol and versed. That is my favorite part…might have to schedule another colonoscopy!</p>