Color Vision Medical Waiver

I have an LOA and a nomination. I got medically disqualified for a (minor red/green) color vision deficiency. I failed most of the pseudo iso-chromatic plates. I can actually tell the difference between plain red and green objects (the optometrist tested for that and, of course, I passed) but the tests with the number plates with the colored dots are hard for me. One of my parents also went there and I have an older sibling who is currently a mid. I think (and hope) that the LOA, nomination, and legacy will make them take me seriously for a waiver.

I’ve been under review for a waiver for both USNA and Navy ROTC (I have an NROTC scholarship) for quite some time now.

Anyone know how common it is that they give these waivers out (for both agencies)? If you are familiar with the process, what kind of candidates usually receive them? Also, when do they typically let people know? Thank you.

You will either get one or you won’t, so what happens/ed to anyone else is irrelevant to your case and no one who is currently reviewing your case is posting here. There is a DoDMERB and a Navy subforum on where these types of questions are discussed if you want something to read while you wait. Good luck.

There is a limit to the number of candidates that can be accepted with visual color deficiencies since those candidates will be limited to Restricted Line billets. The main purpose of USNA is to produce Unrestricted Line officers and they know that even fully qualified candidates can become disqualified during their time at USNA. Since you require a waiver and would be Restricted Line, they will wait until most appointments are sorted out before vision waiver candidates will be considered.

Take a hard look at Army, as they see far fewer red and green buoys than the people in ships (NAVY & Coast Guard). And the aviation folks (Air Force) require top vision too. That is to say color blindness matters a lot less to West Point than the other SAs. Go to for a lot of discussion about this.