Colorado College - ED and EA discussion thread (class of 2019)

This would be an amazing fall semester opportunity for winter starts- I would highly highly highly recommend any student accepted as a winter start to embrace this program!

I saw that too in my deferral letter!

Would this be covered under the same financial aid we would receive from the college?

If so, I would love to do it if they offer me Winter Start

@dukies, If you ask my son where he is going he will tell you CC. However, so far CC is the only school that has not given him a merit aid scholarship. We are trying to get CC to reconsider and give him some merit aid, but they are not being very helpful (to the point where I just want to tell them and my son forget it). Schools better than CC have offered him generous merit scholarships, so we are not sure what happened with CC. So, no, my son had not made a final decision. He is also still waiting to hear from Harvey Mudd, Pomona, and Carelton where he applied RD.

@pcmom1 I’m sure that is very frustrating. I hope CC reconsiders. Good luck!

@dukies - Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I heard last April they took no deferred applicants in the RD round last year and that the RD acceptance rate was 9%. They eventually took some kids off the waitlist moving the RD round acceptance rate to a final print of 11%, so not sure if some of those were deferred from EA/ED or not.

@pcmom1 - Colorado College gives very little merit aid out. Did see your son’s stats you posted above and I as well am surprised he did not receive merit aid from CC as his stats are impressive. Curious as to what school you consider better than CC with substantial merit aid? Other LACs or bigger schools? Most LACs I know with generous merit aid I would not consider better or more selective than CC. Most LACs considered “better” do not give any merit aid at all. Curious more than anything. We live in the northeast with very little to no merit aid given out at comparable schools so I might be biased based on my geographic location.

They said in the deferral letter for CC (I had applied EA) that they accepted 25-30% of the deferred students. Since deferral pool has been on average 400 kids the last few years, that’s roughly 100 students. Where did they put these kid???

Doschicos – wow, that sounds brutal. The whole process is soul crushing, and she’s not even my child! >:)

Ctesiphon – best of luck to you! What are your other choices?

@doschicos, we don’t believe that more selective means a school is better. Those number are self inflated. When I say better, I am talking about ranks, teacher availability, teacher rankings, and, most importantly, which school has a better academic department for the his major. And, I am talking about other LACs as well. Hopefully CC will come through for him, but right now, I am not hopeful.
And, I know of another student at his high school that was also accepted to CC and she has lower stats than him and she got a great merit scholarship. She does play lacrosse, but they are not supposed to give out athletic scholarships to non-hockey or soccer players. I know they do, but it is frustrating when he is the better candidate for “merit” aid.

@pcmom1, I can attest that Colorado College gives very little merit aid. At schools as selective as Colorado College (sub-20% acceptance rate), they can afford to accept the best and the brightest who apply. It is important to understand that merit aid isn’t really given because a kid is particularly smart, but rather because they use it to lure a student they want to the school: for stats reasons, for sports reasons, etc. Selective colleges like CC don’t need to use merit aid as much as bait because they can get the great student body they want without having to use merit aid.

@dukies I was rejected by my two ED schools, deferred at another EA, and accepted to Tulane. Tulane is going to be too expensive for me so that’s out of the picture. As of now my top choice is Reed College. I won’t find out until April though!

@cstesiphon My friend’s D is also waiting to hear from Reed. It is probably her best shot, as the other schools to which she has applied are way out of her reach – Williams and Bowdoin. If she doesn’t get in, she will probably go to Vermont. Very best wishes to you – I really hope Reed accepts you! Having gone through this with my older son last year, I have some idea how stressful it is for you. Hang in there – it will all work out.

I hope it will all work out! I hear that a lot, but I need to have good reasons for exactly why it will or I still feel as if my future hangs in the balance.

I’ve had to apply to mostly selective schools because I have significant financial aid, and naturally the most generous schools are also the most selective. While I do have a financial safety that I’ve already been accepted to, I would not mind at all being accepted at one of these schools so I can have fun… These cultural LACs seem like a much more fun place to be than my safety. While it’s a great school, it’s more technical minded and almost a little vocational, as if the students aren’t really there to learn but to get their degree and get a good job. I want to dabble in some languages…take a semester or two abroad…have discussion circles about Marx…etc. LACs seem to espouse that kind of environment…

I know – easy for me to say. One thing I can absolutely promise you is that a year from now, you will be in college somewhere, having time of your life, and this will all be a distant memory.

Update: we found out last night that CC is giving my son a merit scholarship. We don’t know how much yet, but we are all super excited. :slight_smile:

pcmom!, That is wonderful!!!

does anyone know when/how regular decision results will be announced? I just haven’t heard anything. thanks!


looks like the end of march!

Thanks! @surfsoccer18

Actually, Monday, 3/16 at 4:00 pm

“As promised, the Admission Committee will notify you of your admission decision next week. Our Regular Action decisions will be available to you online on Monday, March 16 at 4 p.m. MDT. To access your decision at that time, please log into your CC Base Camp portal. Please be patient as you log into the portal as there are many other students logging in at the same time. Unfortunately, our office cannot provide admission decisions over the phone.
Thank you for your interest in Colorado College.
Mark J. Hatch
Vice President for Enrollment”