Colorado College - ED and EA discussion thread (class of 2019)

<p>When we went to CCs Fall Open House they said merit and need aid are additive. They also said they don’t give a lot of merit aid and that only about 10% of their students receive it. BTW, my DS was admitted EA and received need aid.</p>

<p>That is cool - most schools I know aren’t additive with their merit and need based aid.</p>

<p>@aliefmoulana, if you are already getting 100% through need-based aid, why on earth would you need merit aid? Going to college is not a profit making venture. Share the wealth with students that are getting less or no need based aid.</p>

<p>I’m not 100% sure how the whole package works. We applied for FA and my award was broken down into a “scholar” award and then “estimated student loans.” I know every little bit helps, but I guess my “financial aid offer” is $6k in student loans and then my merit award was a little more than that. That still puts family contribution at well over 40k a year…I could attend CU for 7k a year. </p>

<p>@pcmom1‌ </p>

<p>No need to be so accusative!</p>

<p>AFAIK, at schools that stack merit and need-based aid, scholarships “cut off” when all costs are paid for (Room & Board, Tuition, etc.)</p>

<p>@pcmom1 No, I don’t want more FA. I am just wondering how the merit aid works. I am sorry, I am an international student and I don’t fully understand this American college admission system.</p>

<p>I got in EA and I have full FA.</p>

32 ACT
3.8 Weighted GPA (6 AP’s)
Excellent Recs
Excellent EC’s (President, varsity sports, nonprofits)
Visited CC and interviewed</p>

<p>Family income is 48k a year. Didn’t expect a full ride tbh, but the admissions counselor personally emailed me and congratulated me. She said my essay was the most touching and inspirational story she has ever heard. So that’s probably where the money came from. </p>

<p>My FA package is 3.5k in student loans, 2k in work/study, and the rest is covered by grants (this is my annual award, not semester). There’s 0 family contribution.</p>

<p>I will probably be attending CC next fall because this is pretty much the best offer I could ever get. </p>

<p>Congratulations on being so well rewarded for your hard work!!! Especially amazing how they actually personally emailed you to tell you about your essay.</p>

<p>Just received my FA estimate today- found out I received a merit scholarship even though it didn’t say on my Base Camp. So that could be the case for other people too. :)</p>

<p>Did CC send out admit/welcome packages via mail? Son accepted ED and has Base Camp info, but hasn’t received anything at home. Thanks!</p>

@lbhcms I don’t think so. They did send out FA packages in the mail though

Thanks, @skibumpphysicist!

Am I too late to join the discussion? LOL deferred…and really aggravated about it.


I was deferred too!

@lbhcms, D received her acceptance package in the mail yesterday, after being accepted EA. Better late than never!

Thanks, @colomom, great to hear! Son still hasn’t received anything through the mail, but maybe with ED they don’t send anything since kids are committed? It would be great to see a package, but if not, we are all just excited he will be at CC next year!!!

My son received his in the mail on Saturday as well. I have to say, I was not impressed. It was not personal at all. Just a generic form letter (it did have a very, very small two word hand written message at the bottom next to the signature). Seems like they could have sent those out in Dec when they announced the acceptances. Other schools have sent very personalized letters with comments about his essays. I would have thought they would have put a little bit of effort into it.

Hi All. I feel for everyone here – I went through the process last year with my son, and am already dreading going through it again in two years for my younger son.

My friend’s daughter was deferred EA – does anyone have any insight regarding the chances of deferred EA students? I was told she has a 3.5 and around a 2200 SAT, though I suspect her stats might be slightly lower. The parents are a mess, because she wanted to apply ED to CC, but they convinced her to apply ED to another school (rejected), and the EDII to still another one (rejected). She is convinced that she would have gotten into CC had she applied EDI or EDII. Any encouraging information I could pass on to them would be greatly appreciated.

PCmom1. that is surprising. Has your son made a decision about where he will be going?

I was also deferred. In the online message, Colorado College stated that they usually accept between 25-30% of deferred students in the RD round. However, they also said that many of them are invited to do a Winter-Start, as in, they begin studies during the second semester. Some start in the fall along with everyone else.

So, the chances of being accepted are a bit higher, but if accepted, you may likely not be starting college in the fall with everyone else.

thanks for the reply – I really feel for this kid. At her parents’ insistence, she applied only to high reaches and one really safe safety. i really hope she gets in to CC. Do you know if that percentage includes both ED and EA deferrals? Good luck to you1