Colorado College vs. Oberlin

<p>Hi everyone! These are the two schools I'm trying to decide between... I love both of them, and think I'd be a good fit at either, but I'm not sure quite yet which one I'd like better. Here's a short list of advantages I thought of for each school:</p>

<p>Colorado College
-I already have some experience with the Block Plan from CC's high school summer program, and I think it might suit me very well.
-I live only about two hours away, so I'd have some distance from home, but wouldn't be in a completely new environment.
-The location and weather are nice.</p>

<p>Oberlin College
-The population is more liberal and diverse, and Oberlin seemed to have a slightly friendlier feel.
-While I'm not a music student, I appreciate the opportunities the Conservatory brings.
-In spite of the small town, current students didn't seem to feel Oberlin was lacking in things to do.</p>

<p>I would very much appreciate anybody's input! Thanks! :)</p>

<p>I’m afraid I’m not a person in the know at any of these colleges, but this thread looked lonely, so I couldn’t help it.</p>

<p>First of all, both of those are great schools. You should be fine wherever you go. That being said, I would put in a tentative recommendation for CC. Ohio is a long way from home, and the winters are absolutely miserable. And though CC doesn’t have an awesome conservatory, there are tons of musical groups and places to get involved. Oberlin seemed a tad isolated and a little bit of a hippie school to me. Both are fabulous schools though. The question may just come down to financial aid.</p>

<p>Though I just realized… this is considerably after the May 1 deadline. Which did you decide on?</p>