<p>Could someone who has/is currently attending Colorado School of Mines comment on the following:</p>
18 credit hours a semester, 140 credit hours total. Would it be a heavy load for an A-/B+ h.s. student?
When managing your time, what percentage do you personally have to devote to studies?
Career Prospects. (specifically Petroleum Engineering).</p>
<p>And for the latter, what impact, if any has the oil spill had on placement rate? Or are most jobs that Mines Petro grads get not located in the Gulf?</p>
<p>Bottomline, is it worth $30,000 a year (I have a 9k merit offer) when I could spend $20,000 a year for a different Petroleum degree. Is the awesomeness of Mines worth 10 grand a year more than other schools?</p>
<p>What is your other choice?</p>
<p>Have you visited Mines?</p>
<p>Bump to the top for you. You know I’m an Aggie and we’ve talked before but I’ve heard nothing but good things about the Mines department for Pete.</p>
<p>Other choice is Texas A&M as a general studies major. so I will definitely have to bust it to get my transfer into A&M petro.</p>
<p>This quEstion has been answered many times on this forum. Please use search to find the answers you are looking for.</p>
<p>Seems like a lot of extra money for a university that isn’t really ‘better’ than other ‘top’ PetE universities. Any engineering curriculum is tough if you plan on finishing in 4 years. If you have any friends majoring in Liberal Studies, you will immediately notice the difference in the amount of study hours that you need compared to them.</p>
<p>I transfered to mines in January as a PetE</p>
<p>Girls - Yes, they have them.</p>
<p>Difficulty - I’d give it a 7/10. I’ll probably end up with 4As and 1B, the 1B was in a one-hour calc II class that a lot of transfer students have to take. It wasn’t hard, I just didn’t spend any time on it. I think the Physics and Math programs are good but the Chem dept. seems a bit weaker.</p>
<p>I haven’t take 18 hours yet, only 16.5. I woudn’t think 18 would be that much worse. I’m taking a full load this summer to help reach the 140 mark. It would be extremely tough to hit 140 in 4 years without taking summer classes.</p>
<p>Time management - I probably spend 15-20 hrs a week outside of class working on some sort of classwork. 75% of that time is spent on Physics and this design course EPICS(you can read about it on the website)</p>
<p>Career Prospects - From what I hear great, I’ll be interviewing for internships this fall, I’m sure I’ll see more then. I’ve gone to a few oil and gas company presentations(i.e. Haliburton) and that question was asked and they said they haven’t felt any impact from the gulf spill. The speaker was a Drilling Engineer from Wyoming though.</p>
<p>I chose Mines over A&M because I liked the smaller, more technical school. It’s interesting because since all the degrees are technical, the majority of freshman/sophmore courses are common among everyone. All of your classmates takes Physics and the Calc series. It’s real easy to find a study group or for the freshman courses, the school puts on weekly workshops.</p>
<p>Good luck with your decision… and though i don’t regret not going to A&M, I’m sure I would have been just as happy there.</p>
<p>thanks alot for the awesome post noleguy, much appreciated</p>