Columbia, Georgetown, NYU, Boston University, Fordham

I am a Junior with a 4.0 GPA weighted and a lot of extra curricular.I am a Creative Writing Major at my school. I have won numerous Scholastic Art and Writing Awards, along with other poetry and play competitions. I am an IB Diploma student and I am taking a college course at the moment. I plan to take two more. I am a part of Newspaper, Chess club, STS,Peer Tutoring, ect. I placed third in poetry out loud. All I have to do is take my SATS. I have just completed my Girl Scout Gold Award. What are my chances of getting into these colleges? My top is Columbia. Does it all really depend on my SATS?

What depends on your SAT is whether you meet the unofficial threshold (2100+, ideally 2200+) for unhooked applicants who want a reasonable chance. If so, congratulations! You have roughly a 10% chance, just like every other applicant with high grades and test scores.