
portal Is up

So at first I submitted my mid term/curriculum report but most of my grades were in progress. (Feb)
So after midterms I submitted another midterm/curriculum report and Columbia confirmed they received it. (Mar)
So I guess if they want to double check or didn’t receive it then they’ll send an email.
It could mean you have potential and they want to check or it could mean they just want to check your current standing

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Not always, self reporting was an exception due to Covid. Prior to 2020, CU required that professors sign off on the grades in the curriculum report. For 2020 and 2021, screen shots of grades were sufficient, no signatures required. Yes, I’ve also noticed the line where the professor’s signature would normally go had been removed on this year’s CR.

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I submitted my coalition midterm report with screenshots. I’m thinking they’re only emailing people to confirm stuff like you guys said earlier. So, let’s not panic

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yeah I made my professors submit the midterm report so yea


Let me rephrase I didn’t submit, I had my dean submit it since they wanted it from someone from my school

it went away for a minute or 2 then went back up

Cornell has been rolling for two weeks a few people ik already got accepted

Three not two

I was accepted by Cornell today, so yes other Ivys have been up and running in their process.

I got an email from my AO finally and they said that decisions will be out “by the end of May” and that the goal is “during the third week of May”. Welp. Looks like we are gonna have to wait a bit longer here…


congrats!! that’s amazing

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How did you find your AO?

I contacted mine through the email address I got from their card they gave me when they visited my HS in the fall of 2019. I’m not completely sure where you can find them, but there has to be somewhere where they are listed online.

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So is it safe to assume that we should not expect any results before May 15, even if it is what the official website says?

Okay, I rechecked the website and it seems that they’ve changed the decision date to “by May 30” :worried:


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that’s kind of worrying, esp since other schools like Brown seem to be releasing on time. anybody know how many applied to transfer? maybe it’s similar to how columbia got a huge increase in freshman apps

There was definitely an increase in applications, how much, we probably won’t find out with CU since they don’t publish a CDS. Regardless, transfer, freshman, what have you, it is clear this was NOT the ideal year to be applying to a T20 (probably even T30) school for undergrad!

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