I emailed the admission office a week ago and they said late May lol

I get what you’re saying…

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Unfortunately, I don’t have the answers to your questions. I was only sharing my observation + discussions with previously admitted students from last transfer cycle. It’s best that you email CU undergrad admissions to address all those concerns. lol

Tbh- whatever info I get I put in here and obviously no one has to believe anything but we are all anxious and going through the process. When my friend calls - what they tell her is what she tells me and I share with y’all. If you chose to my find the Information credible - that’s fine if not that’s fine…because if you called the office rn, and spoke to 3 different officers, you’d get 3 different responses lol

Had anyone heard about the transfer decision releasing date from any other IVYs?

I’m confused about the grade requests going out now because everyone who received a grade request on past years’ threads got in. Obviously that doesn’t mean people who don’t get requests don’t get in, I just don’t understand why they’re asking for midterm reports that have already been received (in some cases) and why that’s consistently a sign of admission

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I didn’t apply to any others, so can’t confirm stuff they’ve sent to applicants but they all seem to just say mid-May!

Yale is May 13th

Cornell is releasing every tuesday since 2 weeks. Today is the 3rd wave

There’s certainly no need to do that, and yes, thank you for sharing your observation :wink:

Do you know the date for Yale last year?

My guess is - self reporting Mid-term grades were permitted (for 2020 and 2021) due to Covid as some colleges have gone full remote - maybe it was meant to verify whether there are any significant changes in previously self reported grades? The applicants who got the emails requesting additional information were poised to be admitted anyway. All speculation btw… only Columbia knows.

did you receive a grade update request even after submitting the midterm report?

no lol but others did so I’m hoping you can get in without that request. aren’t midterm grades always self-reported though? the coalition form has no spot for professor signatures.

ohh yeah i’m sure that there are people who got in w/o one – unrelated but i’m also thinking in terms of yale AO interviews too , it’s a more hopeful sign if you get one but there’s been history of ppl who get admitted without one too

yeah but also columbia used like the midterm report form/screenshots rather than the coalition form right? so maybe it’s just a way to check if those ppl are on track with their grades at this point in the semester

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I submitted the regular coalition mid report form. I hope thats not a problem

I am very sure that it is not a problem at all. I submitted the coalition curriculum report by email and AO replied they added the file to my application. Besides my report contains important comments from my professors

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as long as your portal says “received” it’s probably fine!
i just used the form/page that substitutes the regular coalition mid report form they directed us to on our portal

my portal went down again

to follow up on the mid-term report discourse haha

the guy who emailed explicitly said my midterm report was missing, so to me it didn’t sound like a “new request” if that makes sense. however, I was confused because I’m on the quarter system at my current school, and the portal explicitly says midterm reports aren’t required for qaurter system students. i had submitted a midterm report by 4/1 anyway, but I’m guessing they just missed it or something. after he emailed i sent in the midterm report I had previously sent^ as well as my spring quarter grades (which are my classes rn). all they said was thanks for clarifying and we’ll be in touch if they need anything else

that was hella long but yea hope it clears stuff up bc to me it didn’t seem like a special offer or anything, just them requesting a missing doc (even tho i had sent it in lol)