I thought someday said their button is still there?

Good luck everyone on Friday, Columbia is my top choice so we’ll see


Ok so is the update bar still there for everyone?


word same here

So for anyone stressing out about the “Update Application” bar still showing, you can simply log into your application portal, and scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and click on the “log out” button on the right hand side of "Account Tools: ", and then log back in, and then the “Update Application” bar will have vanished.

So I can say with almost 100% certainty that this means nothing.



good catch!

Tomorrow is the day my friends! :smiley:


Do they take more sophomores than juniors or is it even?

pretty sure that they take more sophs just cuz of the core curriculum requirement . Or they may make juniors do 3 years

I don’t think they’ll make juniors do 3 years because I read somewhere they still want you to graduate within 4 years. So you’ll only be spending 2 years in Colombia

I read somewhere they dont take u if sufficient number of credits arent transferrable. They dont want u spending more than 4 years of college in total

but can’t ppl take summer classes or just take more than the average credits during the school year to catch up?

Yes they can but it still needs to be a realistic workload as last 2 years are much more difficult and extra classes can result in a fall in major gpa

does anyone know what the acceptance rate typically is?

On their website they said less than 10% probably to take account for variance bn years but it’s probably around their normal first year admission rate

We are in the home stretch fellas. Best of luck and my sincere prayers for everyone here❤. Please pray for me thats the only hope i have!!!


I cleared all cookies and cache, and used private mode. The update box is still gone.


well now its gone for everyone