I am in state. I went to CC in Long island, NY. Does that matter?

50 minutes left haha,…hahaahha… ha. Pain


The pain behind this laugh

I’m not sure but I hope it helps :relaxed: I applied for political science, hbu?

Do ya’ll think it helps to have a focus? I think my extracurriculars tie in with my major/hardships. I see a lot of students with a variety of EC’s so i’m just worried.

It helps a lot to have a focus! I heard the term having a “spike” over and over and over again when I was applying to college and it helped me get into several T20 schools! It’s great to be amazing at one thing (: don’t worry you’re completely okay

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i feel like it’s better? even in high school they told us having ECs that are concentrated to a common goal/theme shows you’re dedicated to whatever you want to pursue

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I hope it helps. I am first gen minority race too applied for Financial economics

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I think its always nice to do one thing with absolute focus than to do 10 things with minimal effort. I think u are good


I heard they take all types.
Those with 1 focus (having a goal in mind is important)
Those that are well rounded too (their core is well rounded)

We are going to be in that 100+ they accept. I pray, I manifest, I hope, I claim for us! :slightly_smiling_face:


im so scared to check my results for columbia. i just got rejected from barnard so im having such low hopes for columbia :((

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You got it! Don’t let that discourage you, I believe in you!!!


i got rejected from barnard too and i feel the same way lol

did you apply for aid? i didnt, and i had a solid gpa + ecs. i dont know what went wrong…

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I was gonna say, you have a killer profile!

I love all the positive comments!! Thank you!

ik it isn’t gonna make a differnce in like half an hour, but do ya’ll think they’re gonna ease their expectations up with regards to ECs bc of COVID? I’ve been working in research labs for all of sophomore + half of freshmen year but it was mainly remote due to covid, so I haven’t had a chance to pick up anything else

I’d hope so! I think they’re very understanding


I hope you get in. I’m first gen too!

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dont forget that with tranfsers its really all about what spaces they have! last fall semester they admitted students w/ 3.7 gpas and rejected those w/ 4.0s (not saying one is inherently better but you get the idea). let’s not forget there’s always grad school, but again don’t let one rejection discourage you!!