Columbia University Admissions Fall 2022

That’s standard, everyone was sent

Stanford’s, at least based on previous years, indicates nothing. There were some rumors—which I cannot confirm or deny—that if you were accepted they’d make some corrections to your address a few days before. (Take out non-us characters for ex.)

Should be there for everyone

Financial aid.

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Another friend with a likely also doesn’t have her FA checklist.

Good to hear. Thanks for the quick response :slight_smile:

has STEM LLs come out for CC (not CE)? like bio/premed ones

ik they sent LLs for astronomy CC 3/24 last yr

Hi everyone! I got an interview request today which seems really late, do you think it’s a good sign>

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who else here received an email about the NOP/HEOP program?

I got a likely letter and my checklist is gone.

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Does everyone have both Permanent Address and Mailing Address on their portal?

If both addresses are the same, are they all shown?

Yes. Same.

I only have one permanent address, which is the same as before.

Does everyone see this when they click “update your information” on your portal?

No. Last year portal astrology turned out to be true.

*for stanford

D22 has this. Also has two addresses. Both are the exact same, but current address and permanent address are both listed. Lastly, all check lists are gone. She did not apply for any financial aid.

Okay but I am not sure it the options were different before.

I have two address and email address.
Check list gone.