Columbia vs. Brown

<p>Hi everyone, I created an account just so I could ask this question! I have been keeping up with posts and all of you guys are amazing. I have been luck enough to get into Brown and Columbia, but now I am having a hard time deciding. I was able to visit Brown and I loved it, but I was unable to visit Columbia and want to be a hundred percent sure about my choice. I would love to hear respectfully what your thoughts are about both schools. </p>

<p>Thanks in advance :)</p>

<p>The curricula are really different. Do you want the freedom to take whatever courses you want outside of your major or do you want to study a core curriculum? What are you interested in studying and what activities are you interested in? Will there be a difference in cost?</p>

<p>Add to consideration location and feel of school campus. VASTLY different. Even if you have not been to Columbia, think about the benefits and negatives of being in NYC vs. Providence.
In the end, you have a good problem to have!

<p>These schools are so vastly different but both are excellent.</p>

<p>I suggest doing an overnight at each school. Let admissions know that you are trying to decide between 2 schools and see if they can pair you up with someone. Attend a class or two, talk to students and professors.</p>

<p>Other options-

  1. Let the financial aid offer decide.
  2. Flip a coin.</p>