Columbia's Undergrad

<p>I've been wondering...</p>

<p>on the Columbia website, a lot of the programs look like it's geared toward grad students just as much, if not more, than undergrad. Its only undergrad school seems to be Columbia College and the school of the arts. I was checking out the housing pages and most of it seemed to be for grad students too. So just how good is it for undergrad? I understand it's an Ivy, and certainly a very good school, but is it really one of the best undergrad colleges when it does so much for graduate? </p>

<p>Sorry if this is a stupid question...</p>

<p>well, i can definitely see where you’re coming from. columbia definitely has more grad schools than it does undergrad. but, at the same time, columbia makes up for it in the abundance of undergrad majors it has. many of which aren’t even heard of at other undergrad schools in other universities.</p>

<p>so i’d say, columbia is excellent for undergrad. you have a lot of majors + you have access to some of the same resources that grads have. and as for housing, i wouldn’t say that it’s mostly for grad students, columbia offers guaranteed housing for all 4 years of undergrad. there’s a good bit of housing for both. though, i think as a grad student you’re more likely to have your own place by then, if anything</p>

<p>ps. SEAS is also an undergrad school. so that’s 3 undergrad schools</p>