<p>Hi people, i've given my SAT twce. got 2020 on first. second- yet to come.
but critical reading = 560, and other 2 sections - amazing.
second attempt - definiely did better on critical reading, but other sections- might not have done as good as first attempt.
so can i take the best score for each section on the the 2 tests and then get a good SAT score, or do I jus have to take individual SAT scores seperately?</p>
<p>It depends on which schools you are applying to.
Most Ivy’s will “superscore” your SAT, taking the highest in each section.</p>
<p>so if it depends on university, do u have to ask them separately then?,
the superscored SAT score and the normal SAT score will differ significantly, and so, one would like to confirm from many universities which score they take before finalising college list. that could be a lot of work. is there some website that gives us this vital info. (collegeboard doesn’t)</p>