commended psat score

<p>i got a 205 on the psat in california. i think that this meets the requiremnts for a commended score but im not really sure what this means/ can somebody explain what a commended score is? is it something i can write on my college apps? etc. thanks</p>

<p>Whether or not that's commended depends on whether you're a senior or a junior. The standards change; if you're a senior, you should've received some letter informing you of your commended status by now.</p>

<p>anybody else?</p>

<p>If your school gave you a letter in the spring saying you were in the top 50,000 of juniors who took the PSAT and if you didn't make National Merit semifinalist (and your school should have told you that by now because the paperwork to apply for finalist was due 2 months ago), you are Commended and can state that on your application. </p>

<p>Your school may be like my sons' schools, which saved the (small) Commended certificate to give at awards night at the end of senior year. Ask your school about this.</p>

<p>You also can verify your status by calling National Merit.</p>