Commerce, Organizations, and Entrepreneurship (COE)

<p>Does anyone have any info about the COE concentration…esp. current students in the program?</p>


<p>no one at all?!?</p>

<p>It's relatively new and no one on the boards is studying COE though it's rather popular at Brown. What do you want to know that's not on the webpage?</p>

<p>Commerce</a>, Organizations, and Entrepreneurship</p>

<p>basically wondering why you would take a path like Business Econ in COE over regular econ. The only difference I see is strange, entry-level engineering and sociology courses that you're required to take.</p>

<p>Because you think that the sociology courses and engineering courses which teach distinctly different ways of going about solving problems and deal more with the actual running of a business or team of people to accomplish something are a better preparation for what you want to do (or more interesting to you) than more advanced courses in the math of managing money in economies.</p>

<p>alrite, thanks for helping.</p>

<p>the reason to this is because you want to be an entrepreneur, not simply another consultant or banker. you want to be a change maker, idea producer, thought leader, etc.</p>

<p>sorry to revive a dead thread but… </p>

<p>do people go into this program as a freshman? or can you go in undecided freshman year and then go into business economics sophomore year?</p>

<p>Nobody goes into any program freshman year at Brown. That’s now how it works, you take whatever classes you want freshman year just like any other year. At the end of sophomore year, however, you have to declare a concentration (which can be changed unlimited times until about halfway through semester 7).</p>