I am in high school, doing pretty well academically (going to college Fall 2013).
I could probably get into a pretty good top-tier college.</p>
<p>As one of my several career options, I have been thinking about becoming a commercial airline pilot.
Ever since I was little, I dreamed of flying a plane.</p>
<p>In all honesty, I think this is the job that I will enjoy more than any other.</p>
<p>Anyways, I am wondering what the process is like, becoming a pilot?</p>
<p>How long will it take? How much money?</p>
<p>I am also not too well-off financially, what will this mean?</p>
<p>Thank you so much.</p>
<p>First off, you should find a flying website/forum to get better information. Its pretty competitive. The best way is through the military. Get a position flying cargo planes to get your hours. The civilian route is long and expensive. Major in something you can make good money to pay for flying if you choose this route. I know two people who are pilots and they both took the military route. They also both love their job. It can be hard on the family life though.</p>
<p>Entry-level airline pilots are paid in the range of $20,000 per year. No, I’m not kidding. “Regional airlines” (aka Small Jet Providers) pay their employees absolutely peanuts for long hours, numerous days away from home and uncertain work availability. “Major” airlines (WN, AA, DL, etc.) pay better, but those jobs are highly competitive and it could be 10 years or more before you’re able to move into one of those carriers… if ever.</p>
<p>Run away from that career as fast as you can, unless you can’t see yourself doing anything but flying. If you do go that direction, have your eyes open to the reality of commercial aviation.</p>