Commit to UPitt Comp Sci?

Hi all,
DD has been admitted to UPitt CS major. She is still indecisive between CS in UPitt vs. Virginia Tech vs. George Washington. Are CS professors & staff very helpful in developing students to their fullest potential? Or, are they simply more focusing on the research and bringing in as much research money as possible? Does the department/(new) college have the system and resources to help students such as peer mentoring, recitation sessions, plentiful office hours, etc.?
DD does not get into the Honor LLC. Is there any other dorm where she can be together with students from similar majors (CS or engineering)?
I understand every student is expected to make progress and be independent, but it will be good to know that she will go into a nurturing environment with an excellent support system that is there when needed.
Thank’s a lot. -SpringRidge