Common App stupid mistake!!

<p>I just found out I made a so foolish mistake...
On my attached resume in the Additional Info part of Common APP.
There was a line </p>

<p>Small Forward, 2007-2008</p>

<p>and I started next line with </p>

<p>As a point guard, I was a teamplayer.....</p>

<p>The thing is.. I usually play point guard, but sometimes I subsitute for small forward..I'm not applying as an athelete, so....</p>

<p>Can someone tell me if it will hurt my credibility for the entire Common App a lot?!!
How will AO view this? A mistake or an attempt to cheat...?!</p>

<p>I feel devastated...</p>

<p>This won’t make a difference. Most readers would not even pick up on that minor discrepancy, and as you aren’t applying as an athlete, that little slip won’t damage your credibility - to blunder is to be human, after all…don’t feel devastated, and don’t worry about this tiny thing…</p>