Common App/ USC Essay help!

<p>My USC application is due in a couple of days (1/10/09) and I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to read over and give me some feedback on my personal statement. I am writing on the prompt asking to describe a passion and how it has contributed to personal growth. Please let me know if you are available to help!

<p>You can PM me if you want. I submitted my USC app a loooooong time ago (Dec. 1).</p>

<p>yep, you can send here if you want as well, for constructive review.</p>

<p>I also applied USC by the Dec 1st deadline</p>

<p>I’m happy to help… like everyone else here I submitted already!</p>

<p>same. sent the essay a while ago.</p>

<p>but dont send ur essay with a low post count and since i qualify in that domain, good luck on USC!</p>

<p>hope it is not too late…PM me if you would like and I will get it back asap</p>