Communication Design Transfer needing guidance!! (SVA/ Pratt)


I’ve never written on a forum in my life so here goes. I’m Shea and I am a freshman transferring from another BFA Communication Design program. (CCS in Detroit-- I’m happy to answer any questions about their school and program.)
I was so fortunate to be accepted into Pratt and SVA’s programs but now I am so lost. Financially they would cost me around the same amount of money out of pocket. I have visited both facilities and did like the campus feel of Pratt, but I also liked the bold city feeling of SVA. Pratt seemed much more traditional to me. I want to make my decision 100% on the quality of the program and the resources available through that school. ( Learned that lesson this past year)

I know that they are both fantastic schools and many others have asked this question between SVA or Pratt but most threads are 5+ years old and I figured it was time to gather some new information. SO, please, if you have ANY insight or suggestions I am all years. May 1st is approaching so quickly!

Thank you in advanced for all comments and suggestions.