Communication Program

<p>Does anyone know about the communication program at VT? I've heard bad things about communication programs in general, but I'm hoping that VT's program isn't bad. </p>

<p>I plan on being a journalist, but I'm fine with being in a communication program (provided that it is good) especially because journalism jobs mostly look at portfolios and experience over degrees.</p>

<p>I’m actually really interested in this too - thinking about double majoring in Communications and Civil Engineering. I haven’t heard much about their program - engineering and architecture are the big programs you hear about at VT. But if I find something, I’ll definitely let you know!</p>

<p>My roommate last semester was a communications major. He said it is incredibly easy. I think he had to write a few speeches and do some public speaking. Also if you search around on Google on majors, communications is regarded as one of the easiest majors along with education. My only suggestion is that you pair communications with another major. Maybe English or something else. Statistics show that the employment rate for communications majors is pretty low. You don’t want to spend all that money and time in something that won’t benefit you.</p>