Community college transfer chances

<p>I am currently attending a community college, and planning on tranfersing to a university my junior year (fall 2006). Please tell me if I even have a smidgen of hope at any of these schools: UMich, UVA, Indiana, UIUC, NYU, UWisc, UT-Austin, UNC-Chappel Hill, UC-Berkeley</p>

<p>From: Illinois
Attending: Out-of-state community college in Colorado
Intended major: Finance
GPA: 3.93
Phi Theta Kappa member</p>

<p>HS GPA: 2.45 on a 5.00 scale
ACT: 18</p>

<p>As you can see I was not at all motivated in high school, but have attempted a turn around. Should i retake the ACT? How much will my low score hurt me with a high community college GPA?</p>



<p>What's your quantitative background like? How about your CC courseload?</p>

<p>Any other EC's besides PTK?</p>

<p>I'd definitely say no to Mich, UVA, UT, NYU, UNC, and Berkeley.</p>

<p>relay for life, salvation army bell ringing</p>

<p>calculus I & II, Micro, Macro, Acct I & II, statistics for business and so on...</p>

<p>Should I retake the ACT, or will that even help me?</p>

<p>You have a very good chance at UMich, Indiana, UIUC, UWisc, UNC-CH
just cuz they are more transfer friendly.</p>

<p>UVA, NYU, UT-Austin, UC-Berkeley will be much tougher. I wouldn't recommend retaking the sat, you already completed two years (sat or act would be useless at this point)</p>

<p>That's a good gpa. I would think you'd get the green light to almost anywhere (if you didn't have your HS stats and test scores bringing you down). I don't really know very much about the other schools, but I will say that you have a good chance of getting into UT's b-school because they don't consider your high school record or test scores(for in-staters at least). Historically, they admit about 7% of out-of-state apps, but your gpa should be good enough. Just write a good essay, because I think they review the out-of-state apps more holistically.</p>

<p>Other than that, I pretty much agree with ccchopeful. Haas and Stern are going to be tough. Since you are considering NYU, I'm going to assume that money is not an enormous concern. In that case, I would put the most effort into your UMich application. You have a marginally decent chance of getting into Ross, which is a very well respected b-school. But if your hurting for money, UT and UNC are your best options.</p>

<p>As for retaking ACT or taking the SAT, I feel that Stern and Haas would not admit someone with an 18 ACT (no matter how long ago it was). I would take the SAT and study just a little bit. You might find the SAT to be easier for you. You may or may not need better test scores, but why risk it? Can you not spare one Saturday?</p>

<p>Also, being an out-of-state applicant to a bunch of state schools, you will find many of your addmissions decisions to be very arbitrary.</p>