Community College Transfer

<p>I've found out that most schools require transfer students to begin from the 1st year, does it mean that I have to study for seven(2+5) years for B.Arch??Some schools don't even accept transfer students!! </p>

<p>Ugh...should I consider another major?? Please help...</p>

<p>You can apply to a 4 + 2 program and depending on the courses you have taken, you may not have lost time. Some 4 year BA/BS Arch studies programs do not start the major push of Arch courses until their Jr and Sr. year with only a few Arch courses in Fr. and Soph. </p>

<p>Or you can get a BA/BS in another subject, related or not, and then get a M.Arch degree (3 yr) if you don’t have previous arch classes so you will have a undergrad degree in a subject that could allow you more alternatives in your future depending on what you study.</p>

<p>It is not hard to transfer general education requirement courses, but it is very difficult to transfer or make up for the studio sequence. You can probably get away with one year of community college without losing much. With that you could transfer into a 4 year program that begins the design studio sequence in the sophomore year and still be able to get an MArch in 2 years. A program that starts the studio sequence in the third year means that you are probably facing a three year MArch.</p>
