Commuter students: do you / did you feel left out?

So I’m an incoming freshman who will be commuting to the Lincoln center campus. Is there a feeling of seperation for commuter students?

I’ll be totally honest, you might always feel a twinge of it since you’ll see that a lot of the dormers are close with each other. However, as long as you participate such as joining clubs, going to events, etc. the feeling will pass. That’s what happened with me. I’m not a fan of the Commuter club (I forget what it’s called exactly). In concept it’s great, but I feel it just separates the students more. But like I said as long as you participate, you shouldn’t feel that way. There will always be differences, but in the end the students are pretty united. (Also, hopefully you don’t get a professor who splits you into commuter and residents group. That happened to me and it definitely showed a difference).

So hopefully, you enjoy your time at Fordham and don’t feel like that. If you ever have issues, your Commuter Freshman Mentor can help you. (Yeah, I know what I just said, but mine was actually helpful in this aspects). Also, your Oreinetation Leaders can give you some advice too. I’m actually an OL myself, so maybe I’ll see you during orientation.

Good luck!