<p>Hi all, </p>
<p>So im currently between three laptops right now, the 15inch retina macbook pro with nvidia 750m, the 2014 razer blade and the 2013 razer blade. I plan on using this laptop for college next year and majoring in computer engineering so it needs to be portable and capable of doing my school tasks throughout the day, but I would also like to play some games on it, (I would bootcamp the macbook) with student discounts the mac and the new blade would be $2400 but i could get the 2013 blade for $1800. My concerns with the new razer are its battery life and price, and with the old razer Im worried about its screen. I cant really think of many downsides to the mac other then the price, but im willing to pay for a good computer that will last me the next 4 to 5 years. </p>
<p>Basically i just want the best bang for my buck for a laptop that can game is portable and good for college, lol i know its a tall order. </p>
<p>thanks in advance. </p>
<p>If you’re thinking about some serious gaming, then I definitely would not recommend the Macbook mainly because most games are developed for Windows. Basically this means that with the Mac, you would need to install Windows through BootCamp or run a virtual version of it through a program. Honestly though if it were me I’d just buy a cheap notebook and use the rest of the money for a gaming desktop instead.</p>
<p>But between the three laptops, no doubt get the 2014 Razer Blade if you’re willing to drop the money for it.</p>
<p>hey, if you’re okay with carrying 2.7 kg, then I would recommend ASUS N550JK with the 16 gb ram. it comes up with gtx850m. while it’s not the best mobile GPU for gaming, you’ll be able to run anything (even watchdogs
<p>and it gives ~4 hours of backup with the normal HDD. However if you want to, you can buy another SSD with $400 and you’ll get ~4.5 hours on battery.</p>
<p>and it’s i7 but costs ~$1250 on amazon.
asus is my way to go. dell/hp is the poorest makers of laptops.</p>