Comp. Sci. vs EE

<p>Please explain to me what the main differences are between Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. Also please inform me on which gives better opportunities, job outlook, internships, and salary.</p>

<p>I am not the expert in this but I think EE and Comp. E is kind of like ME and Aerospace E.</p>

<p>one is broader and the other focuses on a particular field.
I guess.</p>

<p>'' Electrical Engineering, one of the broadest of all engineering majors, is much more than just building electrical circuits. An electrical engineer is responsible for integrating electronic devices into all facets of our daily lives. Applications of electrical engineering encompass such diverse fields as:</p>

<p>analog and digital electronics, electro-magnetism, control systems, digital signal processing, communications, eletro-optics, electronic materials and device fabrication, power, image processing space sciences, and computer engineering.</p>

<p>Students can find an area of specialization within electrical engineering that builds on their interests, whether they enjoy math, computers, physics, or chemistry. Although students will need a certain level of competence in each of these areas, the diversity of electrical engineering allows students in this major to tailor their course work toward their strengths and interests. ''</p>