Comparing my competing lists

I have 2 different lists going. 1 based on mostly, 1 based mostly on your suggestions. I’m curious how I could (or even should) combine them. Here’s my lists:

List 1


List 2


You are a sophomore and don’t know the GPA you will be applying to these schools with so that others could do a valid “chancing” so “chancing” you at anything is useless at this point.

Your parents have given you a vague “25k a year” budget with no real numbers so you aren’t sure what you can actually pay. Again, without this hard data, its impossible to compare schools.

I would take Manoa and Maryland off your list as I don’t see them being in budget and have concern if your parents would approve the travel distance.

I think your best bet would be to keep watching this forum, especially the class of 21 and 22 lists. Read through them. Many students and parents there have given great reviews of colleges and have talked about their thought processes as they entered into the actual application process (which you are 2 years away from).

Keep a list for yourself about tidbits you read about. Use Google to research colleges that may interest you. Go to the college webpages and review the sample curriculum and course plans in each major. Then, as questions arise from that own independent research, then ask questions.

I don’t think that continuing to ask about college lists when everything is so vague for you yet will be helpful.

ETA: ALL of these schools are decent schools. However, without knowing gpa, budget, and what your pros/cons list will actually be in 2 years, its imposible to say one is “better” than the other for YOU.

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@2plustrio TY for your advice! I realize I’m too early in the process to get meaningful information. I am inclined to agree about Maryland and Hawaii being too far away.

BTW, in case it wasn’t explicit: the Montanas are my in-state safety schools.

Trust me, I wish my s23 had a sliver of your motivation. However, I just don’t think comparing lists and such is totally useful to you yet at this point in the process.

I would focus on reading many of the past posts. Like I have been following the class of 2021 and class of 2022 threads (be sure to select tracking on the bottom). Parents and kids talk through their lists because they are closer to actually applying or have applied and its good to see the pros and cons they come up with. I think doing that may be more helpful to you at this point. I’ve learned things such as certain double majors or adding a minor could bulk credits to 18 or 20 a semester which is crazy high and I know my son wouldnt like that.
I would have never thought of the freshman dorms being far away from the building my sons intended major may likely be in.

Knowledge is power. You have a few ideas of schools now so keep your ear out and listen to what people are saying about them. Keep your eyes open for threads of juniors who may be applying to similar majors as you who may end up talking about programs you didn’t even know existed.

@2plustrio would I be seen as an interloper in forums meant for upperclassmen?

Its a public forum so you can read to your hearts content. I would be more of an observer and note taker than an active participant. But I do think that you would learn much more by reading than trying to get peoples opinions on your super tentative lists at this point.

Now here, I wouldnt post on these but I think seeing the parent side of the decision making process might be eye opening to you (since you obviously have the student side of the decision making process already). Since your parents may be new to this process, it may be good for information to share with them and to start mature conversations about your future goals.

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