<p>Has anyone experienced this? I've been pally with my friends since elementary and middle school and we're all super close. We're all top-ranked - we've basically come to be so close because we share the same classes year after year. Up until junior year (this year), I've had no problems with them, aside from the occasional spat that most friends have once in a blue moon. This year has just been intolerable, though. It feels like a never-ending competition and my friends constantly lash out at me because I'm doing better than them in my classes. They've constantly been saying that I "brag" about my grades when in all honesty, it's been them coming up to me and asking what I've gotten on my scores. My teachers usually print out grade sheets and post them up with our ID numbers, so when I dealt the brunt of their anger after a few times and stopped answering them, they just deduced which ID was mine and continued to harangue me. </p>
<p>I'm honestly sick of this. I've worked hard this year because I know how important this year is in terms of college admissions, I know what I need to do to get into the schools I want, and I just want to do the best I can. I feel as if I have no one to talk to anymore aside from my boyfriend, because all of my friends are apparently sick of me and my performance in school. I understand that they want to do amazingly, but is it right that they take it out on me?</p>
<p>Am I really justified in complaining, or am I just being a pretentious freak? It's taken a toll on me and I've just been feeling like a depressed wreck nowadays. What should I even do, because I don't even think talking to them (the most logical solution) is even feasible considering how busy they are and how angry they are at me.</p>
<p>You could offer to help your friends study, but that might make them worse.</p>
<p>You could find new friends, it’s what I would do.</p>
<p>You could ask your teachers to stop posting grades publicly or use a different number for you, but they might not agree.</p>
<p>Some people are petty and jealous and it sounds like a bad way for a friendship to end.</p>
<p>Thanks for the response. I could help them study, but the difference in our grades is a matter of a few percentage points, and like you said, I don’t think they’d take too kindly to that s:</p>
<p>I’ll try to consult my teachers, and I only wish I could find new friends. Unfortunately my school is pretty small and I’m stuck in the same classes with them. Guess I only have to put up with them for a year or so more.</p>
<p>If you’re getting the same letter grades, why do they care? Or does your school do GPA by %?</p>
<p>Grades are posted by the teachers in percent, grades show up in report cards as A-s, As, and A+s.</p>
<p>They usually get incited over the difference between the A and the A+, mostly due to the fact every person in the top 10 and even top 20 is separated by about .01-.001 in my school.</p>
<p>That happened with one of my friends this year, we still sit together at lunch with the same group, but we don’t really talk and when we do it’s strained. There is one positive, your friends have the guts to tell you to your face rather than you thinking you’re good friends then finding out he or she is talking about you behind your back to other friends, it stinks! I agree with asking the teacher to not post grades, it can be considered a privacy issues…</p>
<p>I guess that’s true. Thanks wordgirl - it still bites though, haha :(</p>
<p>Yeah, but there’s only one year left until graduation and college! There’s always a bright side ( :</p>
<p>This is also true
Thank you <3</p>
<p>Story of my life! To combat it I stopped sharing my grades on assignments and standardized test scores. When they ask me what I got I just shake my head and they go “probably a 100”. Its a little out of control and I tell them its not healthy to compare yourself to others and instead use that energy to study harder and do a worksheet at lunch. Definitely ask your teachers to find a new system for informing about grades and try to bring up as many non-school topics as possible! That’s what I have found to be useful…</p>
<p>Thanks, Sore
I’m glad there are people to relate to on here. I’ll see what I can do to talk to my teachers about it, or just be even more discreet about my grades.</p>
<p>I’d say I’m more in you’re friend’s position in terms of being behind the top, but very close. People get jealous, as I find myself sometimes, and it makes it easier for one to mock when he or she is in a group. One thing is to not tell your grades if they ask. Just be like “don’t worry about it” or “I did okay.” I guess just try to keep your discussion off of school and about a variety of subjects. I guess people have their good times and bad times. We just have to work through the bad. If you don’t talk about grades and what not they’ll have nothing to taunt you about. Another is to not react to them. If they are gonna be immature about their dealings, you should not have to respond to them.</p>
<p>Thanks, dblazer
It’s been a bit hard to find anything else to talk about but school lately given my schedule. I’ve mainly just been throwing myself into my work and running/starting my clubs, but you’re right in that I should talk about other things. Things seem to be less hectic when grades aren’t brought up, but that still can’t stymie the comments on days we get scores back, but I’ll certainly try. </p>
<p>I think I’ll be checking in with my counselor soon, too.</p>
<p>I don’t like to share grades either in certain classes. Luckily, the top few people in our class are often quite modest modest, but I have one perfectionist friend that gets visibly offended if someone does better than her on something. She’ll just not talk to me the rest of the day, and be all down in the dumps. I really don’t like sore losers. I quite often get usurped by another friend in AP World History, and I just deal with it. I really don’t mind the percentage I get, because I still end up with whatever’s good enough to get by as the “top” chunk of the class, and with the low effort I put in, I’m really content with the scores I get, even if they’re not the absolute top.</p>
<p>This tension has seriously escalated towards the end of this school year (as it usually does) because of upcoming officer elections for clubs and ASB cabinet. It gets to a point where she just totally avoids me. Ridiculous, I know, but I don’t know what else to do. She just takes my doing well in anything as a personal attack on her. No, my darling, I just like doing well.</p>
<p>I say just keep doing what you’re doing, but be especially tight-lipped about academics. I know this is tough, seeing as most of our nerdy lives revolve around academics, but just don’t even mention scores or grades of any sort. Don’t say a damn thing about them. If someone asks, just say you’d prefer not to share your score, even if that sounds like it implies you did poorly… just don’t bring up any numbers. They can’t justify their contempt towards you being better than them as much as they usually can if you just don’t share grades.</p>
<p>I was the one that was scoffing at the competing students during middle school. I was laughing at the fact that they were competing for a percentage in the classes. That was so foreign to me. I kind of regret not going into that “phase”… I was more into the weight lifting and being the biggest, strongest kid in school. Unfortunately I have lost that position as soon as I started highschool (Obviously, Seniors > Freshmen) But I can not regain my position as a Senior next year… I have too much work…</p>