<p>I enjoyed meeting Oregon 101 at Willamette last weekend and hope that I will get a chance to say hello to another CC parent or two this weekend at Linfield. Anyone interested?</p>
<p>I decided against going with H and S to Linfield. I’m staying home and driving Soph D to mock trial and elsewhere instead. Sorry we didn’t get to meet in Salem. H, D and I played the Salem Golf Course (badly) and left S to explore WIllamette on his own. Have a good trip, and good luck to your D on the scholarship exam!</p>
<p>Thanks husky, as it turns out the latest development has H taking her instead of me. Did you S enjoy his day at WU?</p>
<p>S did enjoy his visit to Willlamette, and had a good time at Linfield as well. As expected, he favors Willamette for academics and Linfield for student life/experience. He is waiting on his RD apps. before he narrows down his choices. Are your Ds set on these two schools, or are they looking elsewhere too?</p>
<p>Up in OR UP is also in the mix.</p>
<p>Here in CA there are a couple of UC and CSU campuses as well as a couple of privates and both have also been accepted at Carroll College in Montana and Trinity U in San Antonio. It is still wide open, though both girls genuinely enjoyed their overnight experiences and I think that gives LC and WU a bit of an edge at this point. </p>
<p>A lot will come down to final financial aid offers.
I like your son’s characterization of the two schools. My more academic D is the one who applied to WU and the more social applied to LC :)</p>
<p>S felt pretty good about the Competetive Scholarship history exam, so maybe more $ will be offered. Doubtful that the schools he hasn’t heard from yet will offer more merit aid than LC. </p>
<p>I ended up going along to McMinnville with H, so I can report that the school exceeded expectations, the town not so much.</p>
<p>that’s what my H thought. He wasn’t as charmed as I was by the historical section and he couldn’t find what he called “the nice part of twon” but to my surprise he went on line and did a google search and did find it. But he said “If she decides that’s where she wants to be I will have no problem with it.” which coming from him is high praise.</p>
<p>There were 21 kids in the Bio test. My D felt pretty good about it but said she completely blanked on the “plant questions” but there were only 7 or so of them and she did admit later that she knew a couple. fingers crossed for your S. If we both endo up at drop off we may have to wave at eachother.</p>