<p>Out of the following majors at SFS:
1) Culture & Politics
2) International Economics
3) International History
4) International Political Economy
5) International Politics
6) Regional & Comparative Studies
7) Science, Technology, & International Affairs,</p>
<p>which one(s) are usually more competitive in terms of admissions and which one(s) are less competitive in terms of admissions?</p>
<p>It's hard to know for certain, since the school doesn't technically admit based on major (although I truly believe that is a factor). Nonethless, it is fairly certain that 5) International Politics is the most popular major. #2 is also probably very high, although definitely not close to #5. I would guess that #7: Science is the least popular, as GU is not the largest science school in the country. However, it is a very unique program and may attract people. I have no idea.</p>
<p>huh??? what the heck are you talking about knightshield? you don't even go to gtown. CULP is by far one of the most popular majors amongst sfs students. After completing the four-semester economics requirement, not too many sfs-ers even think about majoring in international economics. CULP and IP are the two most popular. regional and comparative studies is also pretty popular because the students gets to select the two areas of the world that they will concentrate on. STIA, of course, is one of the least popular - if someone really wanted to do science, they would be in the college.</p>
<p>Hey, that's cool. That is what I gathered from my time as EA-acceptee. I would mention that the poster wanted information on Applicants and not necessarily what SFS students eventually choose as a major.</p>
<p>wait what does CULP stand for?</p>
<p>CULture and Politics lol</p>
<p>For applicants coming in, however, IPOL is a much more popular major. Once SFSers get a feel for the CULP major, some switch over. (This, coming from an IPOL-Security Studies major).</p>
<p>But yes, I agree: CULP and IPOL are the most popular majors. STIA is a niche major (the rare breed of an SFS student who opt in to a science program), IPEC/IECO are also niche majors, but more popular than STIA.</p>